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Categoria: Informaciones (217)

Categoria: Informaciones

Totale: 217

Horizon 2020, cleaning up the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean is Europe's biggest sea. There are 22 countries that border it, and millions of citizens from Europe, North Africa or the Middle East call it "our sea".  Their quality of life depends largely on the state of the Mediterraneanand its shores. But in certain areas, the sea is suffocating under industrial and domestic pollution, maritime traffic and galloping urbanization.
Therefore, countries bordering the Mediterranean set up partnerships in order to implement actions that would tackle the problem of pollution on Mediterranean shores.
The HORIZON ... continua

SIDA : nouvelles pistes de traitements et de vaccins

Ce 1er décembre 2006, verra la XIX ième édition de la Journée Mondiale contre le Sida. Des données alarmantes montrent que dans certains pays, le taux des infections, autrefois stable ou en déclin, est en hausse. Selon les sources de UNAIDS, en 2006, plus de 4 millions de nouvelles personnes ont été infectées. Rien qu'en Europe centrale et orientale, plus de 740 000 individus vivent avec la maladie. La recherche sur le terrible virus s'intensifie. En Europe aussi, et, notamment, avec le soutien des institutions européennes, de nombreux laboratoires ... continua

Gsotto: 01) civilization crisis, searching new paradigms

5th of July IGLESIAS, EX-MATTATOIOOpening by Franco Uda, Arci SardegnaDiscussant:Roberto Espinoza (CAOI)Paolo Beni, ARCIPierluigi Carta, Mayor di IglesiasQuim Arrufat, CIEMEN CatalognaGraziano Milia, Local Counsel Autonomy of Sardegna

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 044

El Noticiero Latino Americano - V Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

El gran casino europeo

Spot producido por Enlazando Alternativas sobre las políticas aplicadas por la Unión Europea como parte de la campaña contra la Europa del capital, la guerra y sus crisis; por la solidaridad entre los pueblos.

A European Vision of the Seas

For centuries, the ocean has been part of our lives. It is a source of food, a means of transport, a place to relax or to work.
But today, the marine environment is under pressure: shipping is growing, the risk of pollution is increasing, tourism is expanding. Climate change is worsening storms and erosion.
Interviews:Josè Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission
John Harrison, Commissioning engineer, Elsam-Vestas
Captain Roy Stanbrook, Deputy Harbour Master
Tiedo Vellinga, Director of spatial planning, Maasvlakte 2
Alderman Van Sluis, Vice-Mayor of ... continua

112 - European Emergency number

Why 112?
As European citizens are increasingly travelling to other countries, for holidays, business or pleasure, there is a need for a single number, identical across the European Union (EU), to call in an emergency. Instead of having to remember several different numbers, citizens now need only one, wherever they go.
What happens when you call 112?
People calling 112 are connected to an operator. Depending on the national civil protection services, the operator will either deal with the request directly or transfer it to one of the emergency services(ambulance, ... continua

The power to change

Today the European Union produces a sixth of its electricity using renewable energy sources like wind, solar and hydro power.But that proportion will have to more than double over the coming decade if the EU is to keep its promise of tackling climate change by ensuring that 20 percent of our energy comes from renewable sources by 2020.This film, shot in Germany, Denmark and Spain looks at a number of projects supported by the EU's Intelligent Energy Europe Programme, which are designed to help the Union meet this ambitious target. Download subtitles:

Déjenme vivir

¿Sabías que, cada año, más de 400 millones de animales, sí 400 000 000 de animales, como estos, son asesinados por la industria del curtido de pieles?
¿Sabías que la mayor parte de estos animales son criados y mantenidos en cautiverio en condiciones terribles? Y otros son recluidos brutalmente en la espera de una muerte lenta y atroz?
¿Sabías que los principales sistemas de muerte son por asfixia, descarga eléctrica a los genitales, ruptura del cuello e injección de veneno?
¿Y sabías también que muchos de ... continua

Access to Cross-border Health Care in the EU: Clarification Needed

With more and more people travelling within the EU, what happens if a European citizen needs healthcare in another Member State, and especially, what about the cost?
The European Health Insurance Card covers the costs if you fall ill during a trip in another EU country. Costs are also covered for patients who have been authorized by their national health system to go toanother Member State for medical treatments. But what happens if the authorization is not granted?
Interviews:Nick Fahy, European Commission DG Health and Consumer Protection
Nicolas Decker
Monique ... continua