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Tag: Ira

Totale: 25

Iraq il dossier Nascosto

Autore/realizzatore: Jean-Marie Benjamin
Interviste di: Tariq aziz, Vice Primo Ministro della Repubblica dell'Iraq.
Hans von Sponeck, ex Coordinatore umanitario delle Nazioni Unite in Iraq. (ottobre 1998-febbraio 2000).
Denis Halliday, ex Coordinatore umanitario delle Nazioni Unite in Iraq. (settembre 1997-settembre 1998).
Riyad Al Qaisy, Sottosegretario, Ministero degli Affari esteri, Iraq.
Siegwart H. Günther, Prof. DDR.med, Presidente della Croce Gialla Internazionale di Vienna.
Ramsey Clark, ex Ministro della Giustizia degli Stati Uniti.
Questo reportage ... continua

Visita: www.eurasia-rivista.org

Reflections on the trip with Eman Ahmad Khamas

In March 2006, Code Pink invited eight Women to the U.S. to speak about their experiences under U.S. invasion and occupation. They were doctors, engineers, professors, and journalists. The remarkable courage of these women and the autenticity of their witness to the horrendous reality of the occupation challenges Americans to take responsibility for the actions of U.S. government and force an end to the brutal, illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq.

Interview with Dr. Rashad Zidan

In March 2006, Code Pink invited eight Women to the U.S. to speak about their experiences under U.S. invasion and occupation. They were doctors, engineers, professors, and journalists. The remarkable courage of these women and the autenticity of their witness to the horrendous reality of the occupation challenges Americans to take responsibility for the actions of U.S. government and force an end to the brutal, illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq.

Interview with Faiza Al Araji

In March 2006, Code Pink invited eight Women to the U.S. to speak about their experiences under U.S. invasion and occupation. They were doctors, engineers, professors, and journalists. The remarkable courage of these women and the autenticity of their witness to the horrendous reality of the occupation challenges Americans to take responsibility for the actions of U.S. government and force an end to the brutal, illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq.

Conversations with Faiza Al-Araji, Eman Ahmad Khamas, and Dr. Entisar Mohammad Ariab

In March 2006, Code Pink invited eight Women to the U.S. to speak about their experiences under U.S. invasion and occupation. They were doctors, engineers, professors, and journalists.The remarkable courage of these women and the autenticity of their witness to the horrendous reality of the occupation challenges Americans to take responsibility for the actions of U.S. government and force an end to the brutal, illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq.