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Totale: 382

La Máscara de Fu Manchu

De 1932, de Charles Brabin, largometraje en blanco y negro, en inglés con subtítulos en castellano, con Boris Karloff, Lewis Stone y Karen Morley. Lo mejor de Fu Manchu, en el género del terror que hoy en dia repara un inusitado placer al más refinado "gourmet" por este estilo de films. Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Gangster Story

Gangster Story (1960)

Director: Walter Matthau
Producer: Jonathan Daniels
Audio/Visual: sound, b&w

Gangster and cop killer Jack Martin is on the run from the law, and hides out in a small town. Low on funds, he engineers a clever bank robbery that yields him a big bundle. Now he has not only the cops and the FBI after him, but also the local crime boss, who's outraged that an outsider can pull off a heist like that in his territory and not cut him in on it

Creative Commons license: Public Domain Visit: ... continua

The Common Enemy - El Enemigo Común

"El Enemigo Común" scratches beneath the surface of neoliberalism, and some of the its most hidden atrocities in recent North American history. The film documents instances of paramilitary activity against indigenous communities in Oaxaca, Mexico from 2002 through 2005 while including scenes from an international human rights movement in 2003, in Miami against the Free Trade Area of the America?s, and in Cancun against the World Trade Organization. The three locations in isolation expose the disparity of North American resistances, but together bring us closer to ... continua

Fog Island

1945 - Horror / Mystery A man invites a group of people to a holiday on his island castle, but his real intentions are to kill them all. Directed by: Terry O. Morse Writing credits:Bernadine Angus, Pierre Gendron Complete credited cast: George ZuccoLionel AtwillJerome CowanSharon DouglasVeda Ann BorgJohn WhitneyJacqueline deWitIan KeithGeorge Lloyd Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com


Cowboy and the Senorita

1944 - Western

Chip has inherited a supposedly worthless gold mine from her father and Craig Allen is about to buy it. Roy suspects the mine may be valuable and using a clue left by Chip's father, investigates. He finds the hidden shaft that contains the gold and with the posse chasing him on a trumped up robbery charge, races to town with ore samples hoping to get there before the ownership is transferred.
Director: Joseph Kane
Writing credits: Bradford Ropes, Gordon Kahn

Complete credited cast:
Roy RogersTriggerMary LeeDale ... continua

Salt Of The Earth


Tells the tale of a real life strike by Mexican-American miners. The story is set in a remote New Mexico town where the workers live in a company town in company owned shacks without basic plumbing. Put at risk by cost cutting bosses, the miners strike for safe working conditions. As the strike progresses the issues at stake grow beyond that, driven by the workers' wives. At first the wives are patronized by the traditional patriarchical culture, however they assert themselves as equals and an integral part of the struggle, calling ... continua

Chase Step by Step

1982 - Action A must-see, must-have kung fu movie. Complete credited cast: Feng HsuKuan-hsing Wang Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

The Iron Mask

A swashbuckling Alexandre Dumas adventure featuring Douglas FairbanksKing Louis XIII of France is thrilled to have born to him a son - an heir to the throne. But when the queen delivers a twin, Cardinal Richelieu sees the second son as a potential for revolution, and has him sent off to Spain to be raised in secret to ensure a peaceful future for France. Alas, keeping the secret means sending Constance, lover of D'Artagnan, off to a convent. D'Artagnan hears of this and rallies the Musketeers in a bid to rescue her. Unfortunately, Richelieu out-smarts the ... continua

Campo Minado

Wenceslao (Juan Falcón) ha encontrado en su amigo Domingo (Nicolás Fontaine) al socio perfecto para materializar el sueño de su vida: volverse millonario de la noche a la mañana. Wenceslao ha conseguido las señas correctas para dar con un yacimiento de cobre que se esconde en la cordillera y emprenderá la búsqueda con la ayuda de tres arrieros. A poco andar, cada uno de estos personajes se verá perturbado por la codicia, desencadenándose un espiral de situaciones oscuras en las que el paisaje cordillerano cobrará cada vez más protagonismo. Entre ... continua