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Para todos todo, para nosotros nada

N.A.Di.R. informa Roma - 19 luglio 2007 - c/o lo stand dell'organizzazione no profit Militant si organizza la serata in commemorazione della Rivoluzione Sandinista. Davide, in rappresentanza, ci racconta le modalità e gli scopi di Militant, obiettivi orientati verso la solidarietà internazionale. Realizzato da Arcoiris Bologna

Visita: www.mediconadir.it

Per non dimenticare MAI

Viaggio della memoria.Un viaggio annuale organizzato da: ANPI & EMERGENCY di Biassono (MB)Ogni anno una meta diversa, solitamente dura tre giorni.Chiunque voglia partecipare può contattarmi.Paolo Sangiorgio

Perché a me?

Riprese e Montaggio: Dante Furlano Testimone di un sacrificio, a distanza di un anno la giornalista Giuliana Sgrena si pone una domanda:"Perché a me?" e racconta agli studenti l'esperienza del rapimento in Iraq e l'incontro con Nicola Calipari. Il video documenta le riflessioni, le considerazioni e le tante risposte che Giuliana Sgrena ha dato agli studenti nella "Città dei Ragazzi" di Cosenza che l'ha ospitata e un unico messaggio, che è di impegno nell'affermazione della pace.

Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

24/11/2011 - 04 - Après-MidiOn November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed “Policymakers’ Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change”.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and ... continua

Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

24/11/2011 - 05 - Après-MidiOn November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed ?Policymakers? Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change?.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and Arab ... continua

Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

25/11/2011 - 06On November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed ?Policymakers? Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change?.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and Arab countries, ... continua

Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

25/11/2011 - 07On November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed ?Policymakers? Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change?.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and Arab countries, ... continua

Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

25/11/2011 - 08On November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed ?Policymakers? Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change?.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and Arab countries, ... continua

Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

25/11/2011 - 09On November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed ?Policymakers? Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change?.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and Arab countries, ... continua

Policymakers' Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change

24/11/2011 - 01 MatinéeOn November 24-25, 2011, in Montpellier in southern France, the New Policy Forum (The Gorbachev Forum) and the Languedoc-Roussillon Region held the international conference themed “Policymakers’ Responsibility in a Changing World. The Mediterranean: The Waves of Change”.The conference gathered together more than 60 political figures, experts, journalists and civil society leaders from over 30 countries in the Western and Eastern Europe, Russia, the United States, Latin America and Asia. Representatives of the Mediterranean Region and Arab ... continua