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Categoria: Informaciones (217)

Categoria: Informaciones

Totale: 217

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 016

El Noticiero Latino Americano - IV Edición
Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia.
1- Padre Tamayo
Las amenazas que pesan sobre la vida del Sacerdote Católico Padre Andrés Tamayo, defensor del medio ambiente Hondureño, preocupan cada dìa más a la comunidad internacional.
En el Noticiero, quisimos conocer la información de primera mano, sobre esta situación...
2- Fiesta de los Pueblos
Desde hace 10 años los inmigrantes de todos los rincones del Mundo que llegan a Liguria tienen su fiesta el dìa de la Epifanìa ... continua

50 years of Protecting Europe's Enviroment

Fifty years ago when the Common Market was born, what people wanted most was peace and prosperity for Europe. Caring for the enviroment didn't feature in the founding Treaty of Rome. Yet enviromental problems were not far away.
Europe's love affair with the car was
Interviews:Jan van den Heuvel: Rijmond Enviromental Protection Agency.
Hans Egli: Local Resident.
Bill Duncan : Assurre.
Tony Musu: Chemicals Expert - Europe Trade Union Institute.
Tony Long: WWF.
Stavros Dimas: EU Envirometn Commissioner.
José Manual Barroso: European Comission President.
Paul ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 015

El Noticiero Latino Americano - IV Edición Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia. Lo mejor del noticiero 2006. Escribe a: info@noticieroliguria.com Visita el sitio: www.noticieroliguria.com

Tackling Europe's Falling Birth Rate

The expertise of SMEs and universities for the efficietn airports of tomorrow.
In many European companies people in their 50s like Pasi and Rita don't have a very good image. Too expensive, not flexible enough, they are pushed towards early retirement. In Finland, it's the opposite. Older workers are valued, because the baby boom generation is ten years ahead of the rest of the European Union. Born just after the War, Finnish baby boomers are apporaching retirement, but the reinforcements aren't there yet. As a result, Finland adapting and developing programmes to ... continua

6) - Supports SMEs: OpTag, for the efficient airports of tomorrow.

The expertise of SMEs and universities for the efficietn airports of tomorrow.
The OpTag Project is an EU funded project, which aims to run for 3 years, and the idea here is to try new technologies to enhance the efficiency of airports.
The aim of the project is use technology in combination of cameras, we have design a specific cameras for that and the use of radio frequency tagging to try and determine exactly where any individual passengers within an airport at any given time.
Interviews:Stuart Robson: Department of Geomatics - University College ... continua

5) - Supports SMEs: Low Heat, for the ecological hoyse of the future.

Imaginative SMEs for the ecological House of the Future
Every year, everywhere across Europe, waste hot water is going down the drain with no attempt to recover that heat that is being lost. So why is nothing on the market to recover this energy and put the energy back into the house?.
Interviews:Darren Woodcock: PERA Innovation - Low Heat Project Manager.
Cristopher Robert Simpson: CRS, Engineering - Heat Pipe Design.
Kevin Allsop: Robert Prettie Plumbing Services.
Dale Courtman: The institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering.
John Hill: PERA Innovation - ... continua

4) - Supports SMEs: Truesound, rescue the true sound of the past.

Craftsmen and scientists join together for the true sound from the past.
Baroque music. To some this sound is the Voice of God himself. It's music which contains astonishing virtuoso sounds when played on an imposing historical organ.
These majestic instruments are veritable orchestras in their own right. The wealth of sound comes from the skills of the organ builders from years gone by.
The expertise of craftsmen. But, over time, some essential parts of that expertise have been lost...
Interviews:Henk van Eeken: Organ Builder, Netherlands.
Brigitte Baretzky: ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 014

El Noticiero Latino Americano - IV Edición
Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia.
Al inicio del nuevo ano Europa ensancha sus fronteras con el ingreso de Rumania y de Bulgaria. Y aunque si no son nuevos, los temores de una invasión extranjera siguen preocupando a una parte de las sociedades comunitarias. Para profundizar el tema, encontramos a la periodista Rumana Viorica Nichefor, quien tiene una vision especial sobre este tema:
1) Con motivo de la Fiesta Navidena, nuestra comunidad se reunió en distintos lugares, regalando momentos ... continua

3)- Supports SMEs: Palcom, benefits for high tech.

Palpable benefits for high-tech starts-ups and European universities.
Electronics are everywhere you look. This Indispensable technology tries its best to respond our needs.
However, in some situations a vital bit of equipment doesn't provide all the adequate functions or the right design needed for certain very specific tasks.
Interviews:Morten King: Professor - University of Aarhus.
Erika Frischkbecht Christensen: Medical Director - Aarhus University Hospital
Gustav Poulsen: Physician - Aarhus University Hospital
Ricki Toft Kristiansen: Ambulance Man
Jorgen ... continua

El Noticiero Latino Americano - N° 013

El Noticiero Latino Americano - IV Edición
Semanal latinoamericano desde la región de Liguria, Italia.
1) La mala información hace más enredada la ya complicada vida de quienes tienen que lidiar con los trámites de inmigración... ante el difundirse de falsas noticias, en el Noticiero quisimos profundizar sobre las últimas novedades que conciernen al Permesso di Soggiorno...
2)Hace un año, como consecuencia de un grave accidente de tránsito, el Jugador del Vicenza calcio y de la selección paraguaya. Julio González, perdió su brazo izquierdo. Su ... continua