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Categoria: Mondo e società (2063)

Categoria: Mondo e società

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Totale: 886

Programma di divulgazione artistica

Conversazioni con proiezioni di diapositive. A cura del Professore Eugenio Riccòmini MARMO E SANGUE Discussioni tra Classici e Romantici Con la collaborazione di Milena Naldi Regia: Giovanni Mazzanti Musiche a cura de "IL RUGGIERO" Produzione: EIDOSTUDIO VIDEO Biografia di Eugenio Riccòmini Per acquistare il video scrivete a: info@mazzantimedia.it

La Piazza Narrata

Eugenio Riccòmini racconta la Piazza Maggiore di Bologna Regia: Giovanni Mazzanti Montaggio e Grafica: Nicola Berti Produzione: Mazzanti Media Bologna Biografia di Eugenio Riccòmini Per acquistare il video scrivete a: info@mazzantimedia.it

Giulietto Chiesa - Padova 16/06/2003

FIntervento di Giulietto Chiesa a Padova presso il cinema Astra il 16/06/2003.

L' impero, le pubbliche opinioni

Dialogo di Giulietto Chiesa ed Elena Montecchi con Gore Vidal precedentemente registrato.

05)- Women feed the world: Asia

By Giovanna Cossia - Directed by Marco De Poli
For centuries, women's noble act of feeding their families has been celebrated by artists. Today, this image testifies a reality more than ever. The role of women as powerful agents for social transformation and development has been increasingly recognized by development agencies. The international community has greatly enhanced its awareness of women's roles and potentials, but a lot remains to be done in terms of translating sensitivity and commitment into responsive action. Agricultural development ... continua

04)- Women feed the world: Near East

By Giovanna Cossia - Directed by Marco De Poli
For centuries, women's noble act of feeding their families has been celebrated by artists. Today, this image testifies a reality more than ever. The role of women as powerful agents for social transformation and development has been increasingly recognized by development agencies. The international community has greatly enhanced its awareness of women's roles and potentials, but a lot remains to be done in terms of translating sensitivity and commitment into responsive action. Agricultural development ... continua

03)- Women feed the world: Europe

By Giovanna Cossia - Directed by Marco De Poli
For centuries, women's noble act of feeding their families has been celebrated by artists. Today, this image testifies a reality more than ever. The role of women as powerful agents for social transformation and development has been increasingly recognized by development agencies. The international community has greatly enhanced its awareness of women's roles and potentials, but a lot remains to be done in terms of translating sensitivity and commitment into responsive action. Agricultural development ... continua

02)- Women feed the world: Africa

By Giovanna Cossia - Directed by Marco De Poli
For centuries, women's noble act of feeding their families has been celebrated by artists. Today, this image testifies a reality more than ever. The role of women as powerful agents for social transformation and development has been increasingly recognized by development agencies. The international community has greatly enhanced its awareness of women's roles and potentials, but a lot remains to be done in terms of translating sensitivity and commitment into responsive action. Agricultural development ... continua

01)- Women feed the world: Latin America and the Caribbean

By Giovanna Cossia - Directed by Marco De Poli
For centuries, women's noble act of feeding their families has been celebrated by artists. Today, this image testifies a reality more than ever. The role of women as powerful agents for social transformation and development has been increasingly recognized by development agencies. The international community has greatly enhanced its awareness of women's roles and potentials, but a lot remains to be done in terms of translating sensitivity and commitment into responsive action. Agricultural development ... continua

05)- Les femmes nourrissent le monde: Asie

Par Giovanna Cossia et Marco De Poli
Au fil des siècles, les artistes ont chanté le noble acte des femmes nourrissant leur famille. Aujourd'hui, cette image est plus que jamais le reflet de la réalité. Les organismes de développement reconnaissent de plus en plus le rôle joué par les femmes en tant qu'agents efficaces de transformation sociale et de développement.
Quant à la communauté internationale, sa prise de conscience des fonctions et du potentiel des femmes s'est grandement accrue, même s'il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour ... continua