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Tutti i filmati di archive.org

Totale: 889

Warning from space

UFO's are seen around Tokyo. Because they look like giant starfish the aliens cannot approach us without creating panic. Hence one of them sacrifices itself and takes the form of a popular female singer. It/she warns mankind that a meteor will crash on Earth. While the approaching meteor causes hotter and hotter weather, mankind runs and builds a last-chance anti-meteor weapon

Twenty minutes of love

Charlie Chaplins 11th Film

My wifes relations

When a large Irish woman falsely accuses Buster of breaking a window he is hauled before a Polish judge who speaks no English and assumes they are there to be married. She takes her new husband home to meet her four gorilla-like brothers

The Bat

A mystery writer starts being menaced by a serial killer known as "The Bat" after renting a house with a million dollars hidden in its walls

The devil´s messenger

Long Chaney stars as Satan in this three part story based on a collection of episodes from the never-aired TV series No. 13 Demon St.. The Devil sends his reluctant messenger to the surface to recruit new souls. Once in Hell; the damned are instructed to prepare for the delivery of Satan's horrifying "final message" to earth

The Phantom carriage

The Phantom carriage is a 1921 Swedish romantic horror film, generally considered to be one of the central works in the history of Swedish cinema The film is notable for its special effects, its advanced (for the time) narrative structure with flashbacks within flashbacks, and for having been a major influence on Ingmar Bergman.

Indestructible man

Charles "The Butcher" Benton, a brutal death row inmate gets double-crossed by his crooked lawyer. He gets his chance for revenge when, after he's been executed, a bizarre experiment brings him back to life and more deadly than ever.

The rats are coming! The werewolves are here!

The Mooney family has some strange secrets, as a man who married one of the daughters is soon to find out. Directed by Andy Milligan

Phantom from 10,000 leagues

An unusual radioactive rock on the sea bottom mutates the ocean life into a horrible monster. When charred, radioactive bodies begin to drift ashore a scientist and government agent investigate the phenomenon, and it's connection to a local marine biology professor

Phantom Carraige

On New Year's Eve, the driver of a ghostly carriage forces a drunken man to reflect on his selfish, wasted life