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Delitto del faro

Versione ingleseMentre litiga con l'uomo che l'ha abbandonata per un'altra, cade dal faro e muore. L'ex-fidanzato si sposa con la nuova fiamma e uccide un ricattatore. Al delitto assiste la sorella della moglie: l'uomo vorrebbe uccidere anche lei, ma interviene il fantasma della defunta... scarica sottotitoli: Visualizza il testo parallelo EN-IT


This film, with no dialogue at all, follows a psychotic young woman's nightmarish experiences through one skid-row night

Dementia 13

1963 - Horror / Thriller
Directed by: Francis Ford Coppola
Writing credits: Francis Ford Coppola, Jack Hill
John Haloran has a fatal heart attack, but his wife Louise won't get any of the inheritance when Lady Haloran dies if John is dead. Louise forges a letter from John to convince the rest of his family he's been called to New York on important business, and goes to his Irish ancestral home, Castle Haloran, to meet the family and look for a way to ensure a cut of the loot. Seven years earlier John's sister Kathleen was drowned in the pond, and the ... continua

Democracy Now Democracy Now

Democratic innovation. Long term thinking

In 2016, the Welsh Wellbeing of Future Generations Act came into force, a world-first law that created a commissioner to oversee public bodies to ensure they are incorporating a long-term vision in decision-making. decisions. This is a formula to monitor the coherence of public policies and the real progress of ecological transition proposals that aspire to achieve the social, cultural, environmental and economic well-being of future generations.
How does democracy improve by trying to represent those who are not yet born? What tools does the commissioner have to ... continua

Visita: www.lacasaencendida.es

Demonstration against the criminal Guantánamo base prisons

The theatre group TRUNDHOLM MOSE on July 4 presented a demonstration against the criminal Guantánamo base prisons with more than 450 persons detained without hope for a trial.

Close to 300 men and women participated in the demonstration.

This short video was via Reuters in London sent to hundreds of tv stations around the world. How many that brought this news footage will not be known until some months ahead.

But the important Mid East tv station Al-Jazeera sent a tv team to cover the event. Let us hope that this will open the eyes of the ... continua

Dennos el dinero (¿por qué pobreza?)

¿Cómo puedes cambiar al mundo? Desde 'Live Aid' hasta 'Make Poverty History', algunas celebridades se han convertido en activistas en contra de la pobreza. Bob Geldof y Bono han sido las voces más prominentes en defensa de los pobres. ¿Pero sus conciertos y campañas realmente han sacado a millones de la pobreza? Geldof, Bono y Bill Gates hablan con franqueza sobre cómo presionar de manera efectiva a los políticos y jugar con sus debilidades por ostentación y popularidad.

Des africains en première ligne dans la guerre en irak

De comment les EUA a engagé des mercenaires pour sa guerre en Irak

Desaparecido (Missing)

Constantin Costa-Gavras. USA/Francia - 1982 Chile, 1973. Sobre la desaparición de un joven periodista norteamericano durante el golpe de Estado que derrocó al gobierno de la UP. Basado en sucesos reales, el film relata la desesperada búsqueda de su padre en la vorágine de los días posteriores al golpe. Y deja al descubierto la complicidad de la CIA y el gobierno norteamericano con la dictadura pinochetista.

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

Desert Commandos

1967 - Adventure / Drama An evil Oriental Dragon Lady injects three martial arts fighters with a serum that turns them into zombie-like assassins, and she sends them out against her enemies. Director: Umberto Lenzi Writing credits: Umberto Lenzi Complete credited cast: Ken Clark Horst FrankJeanne ValérieCarlo HintermanHoward RossFranco FantasiaHardy ReicheltFabienne DaliTom FelleghyJohn StacyGiovanni Ivan ScratugliaGianni Rizzo Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles: