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Drive-in Massacre

1976 - Horror Two dim-witted police detectives try to catch a serial killer stalking a rural Texas drive-in theater and randomly killing people with a sword. Directed by:Stu Segall Writing credits:George 'Buck' Flower, John F. Goff Complete credited cast: Bruce Kimball Adam LawrenceDouglas GudbyeVerkina FlowerNewton NaushausCatherine BarkleyNorman SherlockJohn AldermanValdestaMichael AldenMarty GatsbyPatricia JamesTiffany JonesMyron GriffithJohn F. Goff Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

Drums of the Deep South

1951 - War

Best friends Clay Clayburn and Will Denning graduate from West Point only to soon find themselves fighting on opposite sides of the Civil War. When the two men meet each other in combat, neither knows it as each is in an artillery position hundreds of yards from the other. However, the love of Clay's life, Kathy Summers, does know and tries desperately to save her two good friends from killing each other.
Directed by: William Cameron Menzies
Writing credits: Ernest Pagano, Ewart Adamson

Complete credited cast:
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1931. De Tod Browning, largometraje americano en inglés con subtítulos en castellano, en blanco y negro. Intérpretes Bela Lugosi, David Manners, Helen Chandler y Dwigh Fryye. El primer Drácula del cine dejando de lado el admirable Nosferatu de Murmau de la época muda. Browning impuso a Lugosi como prototipo de la encarnación del mítico personaje que el cine retomaría decenas de veces, aunque este es el auténtico y original Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Dunces and dangers

A skyscraper thrill comedy made a year before Harold Lloyd's "look out below" Dunces and dangers is a 1918 American film directed by Larry Semon.

E venne l'ora della vendetta

1968Notah e Johnny Moon, cugini di madre indiana e padre bianco, si assomigliano fisicamente al punto che il secondo, detto anche "White Comanche", viene spesso incolpato di imprese criminali compiute da Notah. Stanco di questa situazione Johnny da appuntamento a Notah per un duello all'ultimo sangue. Nel frattempo, diventato aiuto-sceriffo, Johnny mette fine agli scontri trai gruppi rivali del proprietario del saloon e di un generale, fanatico cacciatore di taglie. Giunto il giorno del duello con Notah, Johnny affronta impavido il sanguinario cugino... ... continua

EMERGENCY: abolire la guerra unica speranza per l'umanità

Gino Strada, chirurgo e fondatore di EMERGENCY, è tra i vincitori del Right Livelihood Award 2015, il "premio Nobel alternativo", "per la sua grande umanità e la sua capacità di offrire assistenza medica e chirurgica di eccellenza alle vittime della guerra e dell'ingiustizia, continuando a denunciare senza paura le cause della guerra". La cerimonia di consegna del premio si è tenuta a Stoccolma, in Svezia, il 30 novembre 2015.

EPER: Industrial Pollution On-line

Since February 23rd 2004, this Internet user has added a new bookmark to the favorites listed in his browser. The address is for the EPER site. EPER is the European PollutantEmission Register, which has been placed online by the European Commission. The EPER register is meant to be transparent and accessible to everybody.
A simple click takes the Internet user to the information highways that lead to the hearth of the register. EPER is a systematic listing of the pollutant emissions of nearly 10,000 industrial sites active in the 15 Union Member States and ... continua

ERC generation: the Champions League of European science


En 2000 Bush gagne les élections grâce à la Floride, l'état qui est resté dans l'incertitude jusqu'au dernier bulletin, et qui valait le nombre de délégués suffisant pour s'assurer la maison blanche. La même chose s'est répétée en 2004, avec l'Ohio qui joue le rôle d'arbitre, et qui finit là aussi avec une poignée de voix - 51% à 49% - dans la poche républicaine. Dans les deux cas on murmure, et pas si timidement que ça, à la fraude électorale.
En Floride surtout, aujourd'hui encore des dizaines de causes judiciaires sont encore jugées, ... continua

Visita: contro.tv

EU to step prevention of alcohol related-harm

The TV report "EU steps up prevention of alcohol-related harm" shows how alcohol consumption is a growing health, social and economic problem in Europe. The problem is acute among teenagers, as shown by the following drinking patterns, shown in the video : "Binge-drinking" in the United Kingdom means drinking high amounts of alcohol in a single session. The terminology might be new but the phenomenon has long been practised in the UK, and increasingly for 15 years. "El botellòn" (the big bottle), in Spain, consists of heavy consumption of alcohol (a mixture of soda, ... continua