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Europe Strengthens Maritime Safety

Erika and Prestige. These two names are synonymous with tragedies that highlighted the vulnerability of Europe's coastline. In response to these disasters, the EuropeanUnion took a series of supplementary measures to make its seas safer.
Interviews:Commissioner Jacques Barrot, Vice-President of the European Commission in charge of transports
Alfons Guinier, Secretary General, European Community Shipowners' Association
Captain Jim Bird, Nautical Surveyor, Southampton Marine Office
Francois Lamoureux, General Director, European Commission
Robin Middleton, Secretary ... continua

Europe leads the fight against climate change

The European Union has been leading international efforts to fight climate change since global warming first moved onto the political agenda in the late 1980s. Europe has been instrumental in the development of both the United Nations convention to combat climate change and of its Kyoto Protocol. Interviews:Matthias Duwe: Climate Action Network. Jos Delbeke: Director of climate change policy - European Comision. Vincent Michel:Holcim. Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

Europe's forgotten citizens - Defending Roma rights in the European Union

There are between ten and twelve million Roma living in the European Union today– roughly equal to the populationof a medium-sized EU Member State, like Belgium or Greece.
Yet despite the fact that the Roma have played an integral part in European history and culture for over seven centuries, most of us still know very little about them. And what we think we do know is more often than not based on ignorance, prejudice and stereotypes.
This has led to a situation where millions of Roma in the EU today face extreme levels of social deprivation. 
Unemployment in ... continua

European Railway Priority Projects

If we want a competitive Europe that creates jobs, then people and goods have to be able to move around easily and quickly, and without harming the environment.That is the aim of the trans-European transport network, a huge continental-scale programme that will interconnect the national transport infrastructures to create a genuine trans-European network.
Clip 1: The trans-European transport network TEN-TClip 2: High-speed rail axis in the southwest of EuropeClip 3: Lyon-Budapest priority rail axisClip 4: Paris-Bratislava priority rail axisClip 5: Warsaw-Helsinki ... continua

European fisheries: a strategy for eliminating discards.

In Europe, fishing is generally quite targeted. Fishermen know what they want to catch and use the appropiate methods and techniques. Despite this, when they bring their nets in, they often find other fish and marine organisms mixed up with the target species: thus is what is called the by-catch.
Everything in the net has to be sorted and only the fish that can be sold are kept. The rest are returned to the sea, ehre they stand little chance of surviving after the shock of being hauled to the surface. These are what are called discards.
Interviews:Dr. Andy Revill: ... continua

Eva Galvperin: Quello che devi conoscere sullo stalkerware

Il pieno accesso al telefono di una persona è la cosa migliore dopo il pieno accesso alla mente di una persona", afferma l'esperta di sicurezza informatica Eva Galperin. In un discorso accalorato, descrive il pericolo emergente dello stalkerware -software progettato per spiare qualcuno accedendo ai suoi dispositivi a sua insaputa- e invita le società di antivirus a riconoscere questi programmi come dannosi al fine di scoraggiare gli autori di abusi e proteggere le vittime.

Eva Kondorosi - Fertilizzanti provenienti dall'aria

Eva Kondorosi: Vicepresidente del Consiglio Europeo della Ricerca.
La produzione di cibo nell'agricoltura moderna dipende dall'uso dei fertilizzanti a nitrogeno che inquinano l'ambiente e contribuiscono al cambiamento climatico. Le piante di legumi in simbiosi con il batterio "rhizobium" possono svilupparsi senza risorse esterne di nitrogeno mentre il batterio supporta la crescita della pianta attraverso la conversione dell'idrogeno in ammoniaca. Il meccanismo molecolare e il prospetto di questa pianificazione ecofriendly sarà presentata alla luce dei cambiamenti ... continua

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

Eve Ensler: Il potere profondo di un'autentica scusa

Le scuse autentiche vanno oltre il rimorso, afferma la leggendaria drammaturga Eve Ensler. In questo discorso franco e straziante, condivide come ha trasformato la propria esperienza di abuso in saggezza su ciò che i trasgressori possono fare e dire per pentirsi veramente - e offre una tabella di marcia in quattro fasi per aiutare ad iniziare il processo. (Questo discorso contiene contenuti per adulti.)


Evergreen is a 1934 Gaumont British musical film, starring Jessie Matthews as a music hall singer, based on the 1930 musical Ever Green, also starring Matthews. Matthews had a dual role as both mother and daughter

Everyday utopias. Domestic revolutions and community life

One of the values of utopianism is having practically tried alternative forms of community life, experiences traced by Kristen Ghodsee in her book Everyday Utopias. What 2,000 years of wild experiments can teach us about the good life (Captain Swing, 2024): from historical projects and texts (phalansteries, religious communities...) to Danish cohousing cooperatives that share tasks and strengthen neighborhood ties, Colombian matriarchal ecovillages where residents grow all their own food, or planned microdistricts in China that ensure everything a home might need is ... continua

Visita: www.lacasaencendida.es