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His wedding night

His wedding night is a 1917 American Short film comedy film starring Roscoe Arbuckle, Al St. John, and Buster Keaton, and directed by Arbuckle.

His wife's relations

His wife's relations is a 1922 American short film comedy film directed by and starring Buster Keaton. Through a judicial error Buster finds himself married to a large domineering woman with an unfriendly father and four bullying brothers.

Historiador israelí derriba otro mito del sionismo, el ¨mito del retorno¨: Palestina no era ningún desierto

El profesor e historiador israelí Ilan Pappé derriba uno por uno los mitos que el sionismo ha intentado instalar en los medios en las últimas décadas. En este caso, la falacia de que Palestina era un desierto y los sionistas llegaron como "jardineros". Publicado por: Annur tv

Historical-political Legacy of Four Queens of Spain in the 17th Century, by Silvia Mitchell

"Historical-political Legacy of Four Queens of Spain in the 17th Century (1621-1700): Projects Completed and Unfinished" by Silvia Mitchell (Purdue University)
This conference is part of the symposium "Key Women in the Creation of the Prado’s Collections. From Isabella of Bourbon to Maria Anna of Neuburg" which took place on 6 and 7 March 2023.
Two relevant features of the Prado Museum’s make it paradigmatic in our study of the role of women in the field of artistic patronage: we can explore, recover, and discuss and disseminate these women’s contributions to ... continua

Visita: www.museodelprado.es

Hitham Kayali e Prosper Palestine

NADiRinforma incontra Hitham Kayali, in rappresentanza della chiamata internazionale "Prosper Palestine" destinata a sostenere il popolo palestinese nella costruzione dello Stato Palestinese nel quale potrà vivere in pace e in sicurezza insieme al vicino popolo israeliano. Prosper Palestine punta al coinvolgimento internazionale volgendolo ad un riequilibrio dei legami economici con i territori insediati.Intervista a cura di Angelo Boccato

Visita: www.mediconadir.it

Visita: www.prosperpalestine.org

Hitler's early life: Origins of a monster - The Hitler chronicles - Full colorized

When a young Hitler joins the Bavarian army and becomes a soldier and a patriot, for the first time he feels like he belongs. But when WW1 ends, he loses the only regular life he's known.

Hits and missiles

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Ho perso mio figlio nelle Twin Towers, e per questo lotto

Parla, ancora profondamente scosso, il padre di un ragazzo morto l'11 settembre. Ricostruisce l'accaduto e spiega che, proprio per ciò che ha vissuto, la guerra all'Afghanistan e all'Iraq gli siano sembrate totalmente assurde, e totalmente assurda l'intera politica di Bush.
Segue l'intervista a un ragazzo che ha perso invece il fratello durante il bombardamento al Pentagono. Entrambi raccontano come hanno cercato di convertire il dolore privato in un impegno comune per la pace.
Interviste registrate a Perugia il 9 settembre, durante l'Assemblea dell'Onu dei ... continua

Hora Chilena / Inglaterra / Chile

Durante el golpe militar de Chile de 1973 dirigido por Augusto Pinochet en el que murieron y desaparecieron miles de personas, miles más huyeron el país buscando santuario. ‘Hora Chilena’ es la historia previamente no contada de un grupo de chilenos que encontraron refugio en Cambridge, Inglaterra, con la ayuda de gente que vivía al otro lado del mundo y que previamente no conocían ni el país ni su gente.
Con calidez y humor, la película aborda temas de identidad, familia y política. Cuenta historias de lucha, de pérdida y de ser forzados a adaptarse a ... continua

Horizon 2020, cleaning up the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean is Europe's biggest sea. There are 22 countries that border it, and millions of citizens from Europe, North Africa or the Middle East call it "our sea".  Their quality of life depends largely on the state of the Mediterraneanand its shores. But in certain areas, the sea is suffocating under industrial and domestic pollution, maritime traffic and galloping urbanization.
Therefore, countries bordering the Mediterranean set up partnerships in order to implement actions that would tackle the problem of pollution on Mediterranean shores.
The HORIZON ... continua