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Queenship in early modern world: Display, Ceremonial, Portraiture and Patronage, by Elena Woodacre

"Queenship in Early Modern World: Display, Ceremonial, Portraiture and Patronage" by Elena Woodacre (University of Winchester).
This conference is part of the Symposium "Key Women in the Creation of the Prado’s Collections.
From Isabella of Bourbon to Maria Anna of Neuburg" which took place on 6 and 7 March 2023.
Two relevant features of the Prado Museum’s make it paradigmatic in our study of the role of women in the field of artistic patronage: we can explore, recover, and discuss and disseminate these women’s contributions to the creation of the Museum by ... continua

Visita: www.museodelprado.es


1950 - Crime / Drama / Film-Noir
Motor mechanic Dan Brady lacks funds for a heavy date with new waitress Vera, the type whose life's ambition is a fur coat; so he embezzles twenty dollars from his employer. To make up the shortage, he goes in debt for a hundred. Thereafter, every means he tries to get out of trouble only gets him deeper into crime, while everyone he meets is out for what they can get.
Directed by:Irving Pichel
Writing credits:Robert Smith
Complete Credited cast:
Mickey RooneyJeanne CagneyBarbara BatesPeter LorreTaylor HolmesArt ... continua

Quo Vadis, Aida?

Jasmila Zbanic. Bosnia y Herzegovina. 2020 Bosnia, julio de 1995. Tras la ocupación de Srebrenica por el ejército serbio miles de civiles se agolpan a las puertas del campamento de los cascos azules pidiendo ayuda. Un impactante film sobre el genocidio de Srebrenica y la lucha por sobrevivir en medio del caos. Zbanic denuncia no sólo a quienes perpetraron la masacre sino también a los que debían proteger a la población pero eligieron ignorar lo que sucedía ante a sus ojos.

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

RIP Harry Belafonte, Legendary Singer, Actor & Activist. Watch his interviews on Democracy Now!

Rabiaa El Garani: Speranza e giustizia per le donne che sono sopravvissute all'ISIS

Human rights protector Rabiaa El Garani shares the challenging, heartbreaking story of sexual violence committed against Yazidi women and girls in Iraq by ISIS -- and her work seeking justice for the survivors. "These victims have been through unimaginable pain. But with a little help, they show how resilient they are," she says. "It is an honor to bear witness; it is a privilege to seek justice." (This talk contains mature content.)

Rabid rage - Furia rabiosa

Un gruppo di giovani si perde in un bosco nel nord del Canada e incontra un soldato che è stato vittima di un esperimento militare basato sulla rabbia e che diventa una minaccia per loro.Regia: Julio Ponce PalmieriSoggetto: Julio Ponce PalmieriFotografia: Shaun TaylorMontaggio: Julio Ponce PalmieriMusica: Julio Ponce PalmieriInterpreti: Danesh Hanbury, Paul Tait, Robin RileyProduttore: Julio Ponce PalmieriProduzione: Quetzal ProductionsAnno di produzione: 2008 CANADAPer informazioni o acquisto del video scrivere a: festivalatino@gmail.com
Visita il sito: ... continua

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

Rachel Bronson: El salto al vacío

• Grado académico – Profesión: Licenciatura en Historia de la Universidad de Pensilvania y Doctora en Ciencias Políticas de la Universidad de Columbia. • Lugar actual de trabajo: Presidenta y Directora Ejecutiva del Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. • Líneas de investigación: Seguridad y política internacional, con enfoque en la relación entre Estados Unidos y el Medio Oriente.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Racismo y reconciliación: Una conversación con Clare Williams y Josué Moreno

Racismo y reconciliación: Josué Moreno entrevista a Clare Williams, conferenciante becaria de RZIM y fundadora de "Get Real", una plataforma que aborda preguntas apologéticas dirigidas especialmente a la comunidad negra y la Iglesia.

Visita: fundacionrz.es

Radar Men From the Moon 10

1952 - Action / Sci-Fi
Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it's an -atomic ray- originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth.
Directed by:Fred C. Brannon
Writing credits:Ronald Davidson
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Radar Men From the Moon 11

1952 - Action / Sci-Fi
Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it's an -atomic ray- originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth.
Directed by:Fred C. Brannon
Writing credits:Ronald Davidson
... continua