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Connie Hedeggard: La necesidad de nuevas políticas para el cambio climático

Connie Hedeggard: Política danesa, miembro del Partido Popular Conservador de Dinamarca, que fue comisaria europea de Acción por el Clima durante la Comisión Barroso II.
Después de cursar estudios de literatura e historia fue miembro del parlamento danés desde 1984 y hasta 1990, dedicándose posteriormente al periodismo hasta su nombramiento como Ministra de Medio Ambiente en 2004. Entre 2005 y 2007 fue también Ministra de Cooperación Nórdica. Entre 2007 y 2009 fue ministra de Clima y Energía.
Fue presidente de la Conferencia sobre el Cambio Climático de ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Construcción ecológica de un pozo para el agua

Construcción de un pozo con materiales simples, que proporciona la naturaleza, sin otras herramientas que las naturales, simples, con materiales como madera y bambú solamente. Sabiduría ancestral


Al mondo ci sono più di 786 milioni di persone che soffrono la fame.
Ma questo problema potrebbe diventare anche un disastro ambientale se lasciamo la soluzione a corporations come Monsanto, Aventis, Dow e DuPont.
Un video sconvolgente sugli OGM da Guerrilla News Network.
Contaminated è un breve ma documentatissimo documento che in pochi minuti traccia le linee principali del problema OGM,già trattato da NMM atraverso il libro L'inganno a tavola.
Con la Seconda rivoluzione verde in corso, l'approvvigionamento di generi alimentari del mondo ... continua

Control Arms - W.S.F. Nairobi 2007

Intervista a Mtonga Boe, Zambia dell'organizzazione Control Arms - W.S.F. Nairobi 2007 Intervista realizzata presso il 7° Forum Sociale Mondiale svoltosia a Nairobi dal 20 al 25 gennaio 2007 a Nairobi (Kenya). Visita il sito: wsf2007.org Visita il sito: www.globalplatform.fi

Controlling Chemicals - Protecting human health and the enviroment

Fifty years ago when the Common Market was born, what people wanted most was peace and prosperity for Europe. Caring for the enviroment didn't feature in the founding Treaty of Rome. Yet enviromental problems were not far away. Europe's love affair with the car was Interviews:Gérard Deslandes: Asbestos Victim. Aleksandra Kordecka: Friends of the Earth Europe. Tony Musu: Chemicals Expert - Europe Trade Union Institute. Visit the site: www.mostra.com Download subtitles:

Conversations with Faiza Al-Araji, Eman Ahmad Khamas, and Dr. Entisar Mohammad Ariab

In March 2006, Code Pink invited eight Women to the U.S. to speak about their experiences under U.S. invasion and occupation. They were doctors, engineers, professors, and journalists.The remarkable courage of these women and the autenticity of their witness to the horrendous reality of the occupation challenges Americans to take responsibility for the actions of U.S. government and force an end to the brutal, illegal and immoral occupation of Iraq.

Convict 13

Convict 13 is a 1920 in film short comedy film starring comedian Buster Keaton. It was written and directed by Keaton and Edward F. Cline.

Cookin with gags

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Cooperation that Counts: Helping the World by Preserving Biodiversity

We're in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Contrary to appearances, these men are not soldiers... They are forest rangers from the ICCN, the Congolese Institute of Nature Conservation. Their job? To fight against poaching and protect the biodiversity of the Virunga National Park.
Samy Mankoto, President, Central Africa Protected Areas NetworkNorbert Mushenzi, Conservationist, Virunga National ParkCarlo De Filippi, Head of European Commission Delegation - Democratic Republic of CongoNorbert Mushenzi, Conservationist, Virunga National ... continua

Cooperation that Counts: Innovative Approaches to AIDS Prevention

Ouagadougou. It's 7 am. 30° Celsius. For several hours now, motor bikes have been buzzing along the main roads into the capital of Burkina Faso. This is a place you need to be mobile and show that you're able to get around. Something the European Union well understood when it chose to finance the NGO Medecins du Monde or Doctors of the World. The funding is part of a vast programme of AIDS prevention which includes European AIDS-INNOVATION projects. Here in Burkina Faso, Medecins du Monde has made mobility the central theme of its AIDS prevention ... continua