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The Bat

A mystery writer starts being menaced by a serial killer known as "The Bat" after renting a house with a million dollars hidden in its walls

Teenage zombies

Teenagers Reg, Skip, Julie and Pam go out for an afternoon of water skiing on a nice day. They come ashore on an island that is being used as a testing center for a scientist and agents from "an eastern power." They seek to turn the people of the United States into easily controlled zombie like creatures. The agents steal Reg's boat, stranding the teens on the island. The four friends are then held captive in cages able only to speculate on their fate. Though they have already been testing the formula on convicts and drunks, the enemy scientist and agents plan to ... continua

Teenagers battle the thing

A mummified ape man is brought back to life and wreaks havok. This movie was shot in 1958 and is black and white. A later version of this film was released in color with a half hour of new scenes shot in 1972 added and titled "Curse Of Bigfoot"

House of mystery

An entertaining old dark house thriller, complete with hidden passageways, secret panels, bodies turning up, and a killer ape for good measure

In the year 2889

Survivors of post nuclear war struggle against mutants and radioactive fallout

The cat and the canary

Rich old Cyrus West's relatives are waiting for him to die so they can inherit. But he stipulates that his will be read 20 years after his death. On the appointed day his expectant heirs arrive at his brooding mansion. The will is read and it turns out that Annabelle West, the only heir who shares his name, inherits, if she is deemed sane. If she isn't, the money and some diamonds go to someone else, whose name is in a sealed envelope. Before he can reveal the identity of Annabelle's successor, Mr. Crosby, the lawyer, disappears. This is the first in a series of ... continua

The dead creeper

New film about a man out for revenge

The devils daughter

Sylvia Walton (Ida James) of Harlem inherits a Jamaican banana plantation and returns to manage it. Since her arrival, there's been no sign of her disinherited half-sister Isabelle (Nina Mae McKinney), who ran the plantation until their father's death. But Sylvia, her two rival suitors, and her comic- relief servant Percy are disturbed by the constant, growing sound of drums

Phantom from 10,000 leagues

An unusual radioactive rock on the sea bottom mutates the ocean life into a horrible monster. When charred, radioactive bodies begin to drift ashore a scientist and government agent investigate the phenomenon, and it's connection to a local marine biology professor

Planet outlaws

Buck Rogers and his pal Buddy (Jackie Moran) are released from suspended animation after 500 years. They discover that the world is under the thumb of modernistic mobster Killer Kane (Anthony Warde), and are enlisted in the fight against Kane by Wilma Deering (Constance Moore) and Dr. Huer (C. Montague Shaw)