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Cancer patient at Cern

21 October 2008 Visit of Delegations from 42 Countries Cancer patient at CERN to ask for a scientific review on the 3D-CBSSee : Scientific public review of Crosetto’s You'd like to see also: Solo la ci salverà

NAKBA - Una caravana por los derechos del pueblo palestino

En Julio de 2005 una caravana para pedir por los derechos del pueblo palestino partió desde Estrasburgo, recorriendo parte de Europa occidental, los Balcanes y el Medio Oriente. Una familia palestina, habitante de un campo de refugiados de Damasco, relata parte de la historia de su pueblo.

7th Emergency National Meeting's War and Human Rights

Riccione, 09/12/2008 The seventh national meeting for the Emergency volunteers in the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Conference with the participation of Howard Zinn and Gino Strada. Download subtitles:

Air travel: new rights for people with reduced mobility

As the summer holidays approach a new European regulation will guarantee more rights for both the disabled and people with reduced mobility when they travel by air. Nearly one in five Europeans can require assistance for travelling or communicating.
From 26 July 2008, these people will have the right to assistance and certain services in all European Union airports, as well as on board aircraft operating throughout European territory.
Under the new regulation the following changes must be made:
- Refusing reservation or boarding on the grounds of a disability or a ... continua

Europe's forgotten citizens - Defending Roma rights in the European Union

There are between ten and twelve million Roma living in the European Union today– roughly equal to the populationof a medium-sized EU Member State, like Belgium or Greece.
Yet despite the fact that the Roma have played an integral part in European history and culture for over seven centuries, most of us still know very little about them. And what we think we do know is more often than not based on ignorance, prejudice and stereotypes.
This has led to a situation where millions of Roma in the EU today face extreme levels of social deprivation. 
Unemployment in ... continua

Horizon 2020, cleaning up the Mediterranean

The Mediterranean is Europe's biggest sea. There are 22 countries that border it, and millions of citizens from Europe, North Africa or the Middle East call it "our sea".  Their quality of life depends largely on the state of the Mediterraneanand its shores. But in certain areas, the sea is suffocating under industrial and domestic pollution, maritime traffic and galloping urbanization.
Therefore, countries bordering the Mediterranean set up partnerships in order to implement actions that would tackle the problem of pollution on Mediterranean shores.
The HORIZON ... continua

Health insurance card: access to health care across Europe

As a general rule, health insurance administrations are obliged to issue a European health insurance card at their members’ request. The card makes it easier to obtain medical care and guarantees that it will be provided in accordance with the legislation of the Member State being visited. For example, if you are in a Member Statewhere medical care is free, you too have the right to free medical treatment. So the message is crystal clear: do not travel to another Member State of the European Economic Area without your European health insurance card. Interviews: ... continua

05)- Scientific public review of Crosetto's 3D-CBS innovative technology

-Round Table
-Changing the direction of research: method of verifying the achievement of death’s reduction from cancer (taking note of various opinions)
-Screening, early diagnosis and cost saving to Health Care (taking note of various opinions)
Visit the site: : Introduction. Thanks to sponsors
: Presentation by the inventor. Objectives: Defeat Cancer with early detectionSignals that show cancer development
: Presentation by the inventor. Limits of current PET, solution, FORMULA, guarantee, Q&A
: Specific questions on social & technical objectives, ... continua

03)- Scientific public review of Crosetto's 3D-CBS innovative technology

-Limits of current PET (or PET/CT)
-Solution to the problem: the 3D-CBS (A device for early detection with high sensitivity, low radiation, low examination cost - ADVANTAGES-).
-Innovative Characteristics of the 3D-CBS technology
-Validation of the advantages and of the feasibility of the 3D-CBS technology
-Obstacles to the realization of the advantages for everyone
Crosetto's DONATION of the income from his patents for the patients' benefit
-Market: Roles of the parties involved (Investors, Donors, Gov., Patients)
-Public REVIEW: The key to transfer the ... continua

02)- Scientific public review of Crosetto's 3D-CBS innovative technology

Presentation of 3D-CBS technology by inventor Dario Crosetto Need for a Change in Direction of Research Objective: Defeat Cancer with early detection Does a solution exist for early diagnosis? Signals that show cancer development: temperature, density, metabolism Visit the site: : Introduction. Thanks to sponsors : Presentation by the inventor. Limits of current PET, solution, FORMULA, guarantee, Q&A : Specific questions on social & technical objectives, innovative elements, advantages and obstacles : Round table