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Aerial gunner

Aerial gunner is a 1943 American World War II film directed by William H. Pine and starring Chester Morris, Richard Arlen and Jimmy Lydon.

La guerra in Ucraina è colpa della NATO? Roberto Saviano intervista Masha Gessen (ITA/ENG)

Masha Gessen è unə scrittore di origini russo-americane, nato a Mosca da una famiglia di origini ebraiche, è statə per molto tempo l’unica persona dichiaratamente gay in tutta la Russia, subendo una duplice discriminazione, in quanto ebreo e in quanto gay. Intervistare Masha Gessen significa entrare in contatto con l’intera storia della dissidenza contro il potere di Putin. È tra i primi intellettuali ad aver descritto il potere criminale di Vladimir Putin.
La Russia è rimasta ancorata alla convinzione che il passato di un Paese sia il suo destino; già da ... continua

In the mind of Neanderthals

The road to death

Las precarias condiciones de vida -abuso, explotación laboral, falta de asistencia médica y educación- son la principal causa de la muerte de miles de mujeres y niños en países no industrializados.

Visita: www.cinetecavirtual.cl

Woody Woodpecker Season13 Episode03 - Ozark Lark

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season13 Episode08 - Operation Cold Feet

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Bullfighter Bully

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Woody Woodpecker Season01 Episode08 - The Fox and the Rabbit

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Woody Woodpecker Season14 Episode14 - Coming Out Party

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Daily Show for April 27 2022 Democracy Now