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The secret weapon

Sherlock Holmes and the secret weapon (1943) is the fourth in the Sherlock Holmes (1939 film series) series of Sherlock Holmes films. The film is credited as an adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Holmes tale "The Adventure of the Dancing Men," but the only element of the source material to be used is the dancing men code.
This is the second Basil Rathbone "Sherlock Holmes" film in which Moriarty dies. He is thrown to his death from the top of the Tower of London by Holmes in 1939's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (film). During the course of the adventure, ... continua

Hits and missiles

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Daily Show for June 30 2022 Democracy Now

Rory Sutherland: lezioni di vita da un pubblicitario

La pubblicità aggiunge valore a un prodotto modificando la nostra percezione, piuttosto che il prodotto stesso. Rory Sutherland fa l'audace affermazione che un cambiamento nel valore percepito può essere altrettanto soddisfacente di ciò che consideriamo valore "reale" - e la sua conclusione ha conseguenze interessanti sul modo in cui guardiamo alla vita.

Mama illegal (¿por qué pobreza?)

MOLDOVA: ¿Dejarías a tu familia atrás para buscar trabajo? El desempleo en algunas de las zonas rurales de Moldavia puede alcanzar hasta el 80 por ciento. Cualquiera que pueda irse a trabajar generalmente lo hace. Más de 1 millón de personas se han ido a buscar trabajo al extranjero. A menudo trabajan ilegalmente y por bajos salarios. Las madres y los padres pueden pasar años lejos de sus hijos, pero el dinero que envían a sus hogares puede comprarles una vida mucho mejor.

Daily Show for May 24 2023 Democracy Now

20,000 Leagues under the sea

20,000 Leagues under the sea is a 1916 silent film directed by Stuart Paton. The film's storyline is based on the novel Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea by Jules Verne.

Navy Blues

Navy Blues is a 1937 American film directed by Ralph Staub

Carson City Kid

Roy Rogers, posing as The Carson City Kid, is seeking vengeance on Morgan Reynolds (Bob Steele), the man who killed his brother. To find Reynolds in the gold towns, he systematically stops stagecoaches and goes through the mail, hoping to find letters addressed to Reynolds and thusly learn his whereabouts. Thus "The Kid" earns the reputation of a stagecoach robber, although he never takes anything, and the reputation is enhanced by the fact that he travels with Laramie (Francis McDonald), a notorious half-breed outlaw.
The Carson City Kid is a 1940 United States film ... continua

The show

The show is a 1927 silent American drama film directed by Tod Browning, based upon Charles Tenney Jackson's 1910 novel The day of souls.