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Daily show for may 15, 2024 Democracy Now!

Queenship in early modern world: Display, Ceremonial, Portraiture and Patronage, by Elena Woodacre

"Queenship in Early Modern World: Display, Ceremonial, Portraiture and Patronage" by Elena Woodacre (University of Winchester).
This conference is part of the Symposium "Key Women in the Creation of the Prado’s Collections.
From Isabella of Bourbon to Maria Anna of Neuburg" which took place on 6 and 7 March 2023.
Two relevant features of the Prado Museum’s make it paradigmatic in our study of the role of women in the field of artistic patronage: we can explore, recover, and discuss and disseminate these women’s contributions to the creation of the Museum by ... continua

Visita: www.museodelprado.es

Daily show for may 14, 2024 Democracy Now!

Daily show for may 13, 2024 Democracy Now!

Early Modern Women's Patronage in a Global Context, by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks

"Early Modern Women's Patronage in a Global Context" by Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee).
This conference is part of the Symposium "Key Women in the Creation of the Prado’s Collections. From Isabella of Bourbon to Maria Anna of Neuburg" which took place on 6 and 7 March 2023.
Two relevant features of the Prado Museum’s make it paradigmatic in our study of the role of women in the field of artistic patronage: we can explore, recover, and discuss and disseminate these women’s contributions to the creation of the Museum by addressing ... continua

Visita: www.museodelprado.es

The women of the Royal Houses (1602-1740) and the Creation of the Prado's Collections

"The Women of the Royal Houses (1602-1740) and the Creation of the Prado's Collections" by Javier Arnaldo (head of the Studies Center of the Museo Nacional del Prado) and Noelia García Pérez (Universidad de Murcia).
Presentation of the Symposium "Key Women in the Creation of the Prado’s Collections. From Isabella of Bourbon to Maria Anna of Neuburg" which took place on 6 and 7 March 2023.
Two relevant features of the Prado Museum’s make it paradigmatic in our study of the role of women in the field of artistic patronage: we can explore, recover, and discuss ... continua

Visita: www.museodelprado.es

One direction: Reaching for the Stars Part 2

Daily show for may 10, 2024 Democracy Now!

Daily show for may 09, 2024 Democracy Now!

Qual è il segreto della scrittura? Ottessa Moshfegh incontra Irene Graziosi - Lucy - Sulla cultura

Dall'esordio con "McGlue", appena ripubblicato da Feltrinelli, a "Il mio anno di riposo e oblio" e "Lapvona", la carriera di Ottessa Moshfegh è un viaggio affascinante che parte dallo studio della musica e arriva alla stesura di romanzi diventati cult. Ha incontrato Irene Graziosi per parlare dei segreti della sua scrittura, di famiglie disfunzionali, successo, cinema, lutti e distrazioni.