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01)- Scientific public review of Crosetto's 3D-CBS innovative technology

-Opening of proceedings. Introduction of guests of honor (Prof Luigi Marrelli)
-Introduction of review, thanks to sponsors (Dr Vincenzo Vigna)
-Introduction of questionnaire, which completes phase 1 of the review, and description of phase 2 to compose, with the contribution of external specialists and the public, the final report (Dr Vincenzo Vigna)
Visit the site: : Presentation by the inventor. Objectives: Defeat Cancer with early detectionSignals that show cancer development
: Presentation by the inventor. Limits of current PET, solution, FORMULA, guarantee, ... continua

Better tools for better Medicines. The Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI)

The European Commission and the pharmaceutical industry are entering into a pan-European strategic alliance to fund research in the health sector and accelerate the discovery and development of innovative medicines. This collaboration will bring together stakeholders on all levels to share knowledge and results. The benefits for patients will be significant, as it will further contribute to removing bottlenecks in the drug development process, thus providing patients with better medicines, faster. The boost in competitiveness could also be significant as resources for ... continua

Healthy Workplaces. Good for you. Good for business

Each year in the European Union, 167,000 deaths are attributable to work-related accidents or illnesses, and the number of occupational accidents which result in over three days off work is estimated at 7 million.
Small and medium businesses feature prominently here, as they alone represent 82% of the total number of occupational accidents and 90% of the total number of fatal accidents. The construction, farming, transportation and health industries are among the sectors most affected.
Apart from the sometimes tragic individual consequences, the loss of earnings to ... continua

112 - European Emergency number

Why 112?
As European citizens are increasingly travelling to other countries, for holidays, business or pleasure, there is a need for a single number, identical across the European Union (EU), to call in an emergency. Instead of having to remember several different numbers, citizens now need only one, wherever they go.
What happens when you call 112?
People calling 112 are connected to an operator. Depending on the national civil protection services, the operator will either deal with the request directly or transfer it to one of the emergency services(ambulance, ... continua

Natura 2000: man and nature go together

The existence of many of these species is today at risk. The red list of the International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources includes over 800 animal species and 180 plant species in Europe that are slipping at various rates down the slope towards extinction. This is the case for half the species of mammals and a third of the species of reptiles, birds and fish. 79 European animals are "in serious danger of extinction", which means that it may prove impossible to maintain them in the wild within the next ten years: such is the case for the ... continua


1944 - Musical
Judy and Johnny are orphaned siblings being raised by Tony Rocadero, a Hollywood restaurateur who knows no limit in supporting his adopted children, even sending them both off to college. When Tony dies suddenly, one of them has to return home to keep the establishment open. The film opens with a present-day (present-day 1944) sequence of cameo appearances by 1940s Hollywood celebrities, then becomes a series of flashbacks explaining the history of the Hollywood Trocadero, usually in the form of musical numbers by the various types of big band, ... continua

Sharing experience for a greener future, local communities for sustainable energy in Europe

As energy costs continue to rise and the need to fight climate change is becoming ever more pressing, more than a hundred cities in Europe are running sustainable energy use strategies based on the concept of "shining examples", joint action and shared experiences. The BELIEF project encourages all European local authorities, especially urban communities, to form "Sustainable Energy Communities" to improve local policy making, promote energy citizenship and stimulate the markets for sustainable energy. This report was filmed in two urban ... continua

Video Contracorriente: Howard Zinn

Howard Zinn es un historiador social estadounidense y politólogo. Sus planteamientos incorporan ideas procedentes del marxismo, el anarquismo y el socialismo. Desde la década de 1960, ha sido una figura importante en la defensa de los derechos civiles y el movimiento antibélico en los Estados Unidos . Es el autor de más de 20 libros, incluyendo A People's History of the United States (editada en español como La otra historia de los Estados Unidos) y Declarations of Independence.
Cortesía de TeleSur.
Visita el sitio: ... continua

Waging war on the pay gap

In Belgium, women working on the cash desks and stacking the shelves in Delhaize supermarkets were dismayed to find out that they were earning less than their male colleagues. Now the company is using a new analytical classification system to re-evaluate its salary structure. In Spain, a new equality law was introduced in 2007. As well as insisting on equal pay for jobs of equal value, it introduces paternity leave for the first time and also sets targets for companies to include more women in the board room. Interviews: ... continua

Little Rascals Fishy Tales

1937 - Comedy Alfalfa tries to back out of a fight by pretending to be incapacitated. Directed by: Gordon Douglas Cast: Tommy Bond John 'Uh huh' CollumDickie De NuetDarla HoodGary JasgarDorian JohnstonDarwood KayeSidney KibrickEugene 'Porky' LeeGeorge 'Spanky' McFarlandTommy McFarlandCarl 'Alfalfa' SwitzerHarold SwitzerBillie 'Buckwheat' Thomas Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles: Download the parallel text en-it