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More reliable and intelligent software

Software makers in Europe rise to the challenge of more sophisticated computer programmes.Software ERRORS have been implicated in several plane accidents in the last twenty years. There have also been a number of high-tech space projects lost due to malfunctioning programmes.
Lion Benjamins, Promise project, HelsinkiAndreas Hedler, InMedias, P. HennigsdorfGerd Grosse, Cognidata, Bad VibelVeronique Pevtschin, Nessi Project, BrusselsDario Avallone, Engineering, RomeBruno Nouzille, Thales Group, ParisMaddy Janse, Philips, EindhovenJohn Stark, Promise ... continua

Moldova - Ukraine: EU Beefs Up Its EUBAM Mission

This is the River Dniestr. It marks part of the North-Eastern border between Moldova and Ukraine. Moldovan frontier guards are out on patrol. A few kilometers to the North of here, their Ukrainian counterparts are also on the alert.Here, within binocular range, is a region known as Transnistria. A territory not recognized by the international community. And a territory which will be on Europe's doorstep once Romania joins the EU.
Transnistria is a self-proclaimed republic which broke away from Moldova at the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991. This strip of ... continua

Cooperation that Counts: Helping the World by Preserving Biodiversity

We're in the East of the Democratic Republic of Congo. Contrary to appearances, these men are not soldiers... They are forest rangers from the ICCN, the Congolese Institute of Nature Conservation. Their job? To fight against poaching and protect the biodiversity of the Virunga National Park.
Samy Mankoto, President, Central Africa Protected Areas NetworkNorbert Mushenzi, Conservationist, Virunga National ParkCarlo De Filippi, Head of European Commission Delegation - Democratic Republic of CongoNorbert Mushenzi, Conservationist, Virunga National ... continua

Cooperation that Counts: Innovative Approaches to AIDS Prevention

Ouagadougou. It's 7 am. 30° Celsius. For several hours now, motor bikes have been buzzing along the main roads into the capital of Burkina Faso. This is a place you need to be mobile and show that you're able to get around. Something the European Union well understood when it chose to finance the NGO Medecins du Monde or Doctors of the World. The funding is part of a vast programme of AIDS prevention which includes European AIDS-INNOVATION projects. Here in Burkina Faso, Medecins du Monde has made mobility the central theme of its AIDS prevention ... continua

Better and Cleaner Urban Transport for Europe

In Europe, a car clocks up 75% of its mileage in a urban environment. Theresult? An explosive cocktail of congestion and pollution.Time wasted in traffic jams could soon be costing the European Union 1% ofits gross domestic product.Urban traffic is responsible for 40% of CO2 emissions generated by roadtransport and 9 in every 10 Europeans are exposed to harmful particleemissions that are higher than the tolerated threshold.
Jacques Barrot, European Commission Vice-President in charge of transportYves Baesen, Lille Métropole, Studies and ... continua

El misterio de Edwin Drood

1935. De Stuart Walter, largometraje americano en inglés con subtítulos en castellano, en blanco y negro. Intérpretes Claude Rains y Heateher Angel. La trama, un adicto al opio y maestro coral de una catedral es acusado de la muerte de su sobrino Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Minimising Flood Risks in Europe through Better Planning

Between 1999 and 2004, Europe suffered over a 100 major floods. They caused about 700 deaths, the displacement of half a million people and at least 25 billion ? in insured economic losses.Once again this year the Elbe flooded and the Danube literally smashed its record reaching levels never before seen in Budapest.Increasingly often, the danger of flooding originates in the mountains when torrential rains provoke flash floods which are extremely destructive. Mainly in the semi-aridzones of the Mediterranean basin.
Jean Pascal van Ypersele,Climate ... continua

El clarividente

1934. De Maurice Elvey, largometraje americano en inglés, con subtítulos en castellano, en blanco y negro. Intérpretes Claude Rains, Fay Waray y Jane Baxter. La trama es la historia de un mentalista tramposo, al que de pronto sus predicciones se hacen verdad Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Talking Allergies and Asthma with a Europe-wide Approach

Millions of people in Europe are allergic to springtime, due to the higher pollen count. Others suffer all year long because of their allergic reaction to certain chemicals. Interviews: Professor Peter Burney,Imperial College, London, UKProfessor Sven-Erik Dahlén, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, SwedenDr. Stephen Durhan, Royal Brompton Hospital, London, UK Visit the site: www.mostra.com

El hombre monstruo

1932. De Rouben Mamoulian, largometraje americano, en inglés, con subtítulos en castellano, con Fredric March, Henry Jeky y Miriam Hopkins. De la novela de Robert Stevenson, el tema de la sexualidad reprimida del protagonista que se transforma en el sádico y perverso Dr. Hyde Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com