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Undersea Kingdom part 8

1936 - Sci-Fi / Adventure

Crash Corrigan, a recent graduate of Annapolis, and Diana, a go-getting reporter, join Professor Norton for a search for the source of a string of earthquakes, Atlantis. They ride Prof. Norton's rocket submarine searching the sea and little Billy Norton, the professor's son stows away, of course. When they find Atlantis they are caught in a war between peaceful Atlanteans, note their white capes, and war-monging Atlanteans, note their black capes. After many harrowing moments for Crash, Diana, Prof. Norton and Billy, they barely ... continua

Undersea Kingdom part 7

1936 - Sci-Fi / Adventure

Crash Corrigan, a recent graduate of Annapolis, and Diana, a go-getting reporter, join Professor Norton for a search for the source of a string of earthquakes, Atlantis. They ride Prof. Norton's rocket submarine searching the sea and little Billy Norton, the professor's son stows away, of course. When they find Atlantis they are caught in a war between peaceful Atlanteans, note their white capes, and war-monging Atlanteans, note their black capes. After many harrowing moments for Crash, Diana, Prof. Norton and Billy, they barely ... continua

Undersea Kingdom part 6

1936 - Sci-Fi / Adventure

Crash Corrigan, a recent graduate of Annapolis, and Diana, a go-getting reporter, join Professor Norton for a search for the source of a string of earthquakes, Atlantis. They ride Prof. Norton's rocket submarine searching the sea and little Billy Norton, the professor's son stows away, of course. When they find Atlantis they are caught in a war between peaceful Atlanteans, note their white capes, and war-monging Atlanteans, note their black capes. After many harrowing moments for Crash, Diana, Prof. Norton and Billy, they barely ... continua

Undersea Kingdom part 5

1936 - Sci-Fi / Adventure

Crash Corrigan, a recent graduate of Annapolis, and Diana, a go-getting reporter, join Professor Norton for a search for the source of a string of earthquakes, Atlantis. They ride Prof. Norton's rocket submarine searching the sea and little Billy Norton, the professor's son stows away, of course. When they find Atlantis they are caught in a war between peaceful Atlanteans, note their white capes, and war-monging Atlanteans, note their black capes. After many harrowing moments for Crash, Diana, Prof. Norton and Billy, they barely ... continua

Undersea Kingdom part 4

1936 - Sci-Fi / Adventure

Crash Corrigan, a recent graduate of Annapolis, and Diana, a go-getting reporter, join Professor Norton for a search for the source of a string of earthquakes, Atlantis. They ride Prof. Norton's rocket submarine searching the sea and little Billy Norton, the professor's son stows away, of course. When they find Atlantis they are caught in a war between peaceful Atlanteans, note their white capes, and war-monging Atlanteans, note their black capes. After many harrowing moments for Crash, Diana, Prof. Norton and Billy, they barely ... continua

Undersea Kingdom part 3

1936 - Sci-Fi / Adventure

Crash Corrigan, a recent graduate of Annapolis, and Diana, a go-getting reporter, join Professor Norton for a search for the source of a string of earthquakes, Atlantis. They ride Prof. Norton's rocket submarine searching the sea and little Billy Norton, the professor's son stows away, of course. When they find Atlantis they are caught in a war between peaceful Atlanteans, note their white capes, and war-monging Atlanteans, note their black capes. After many harrowing moments for Crash, Diana, Prof. Norton and Billy, they barely ... continua

Undersea Kingdom part 2

1936 - Sci-Fi / Adventure

Crash Corrigan, a recent graduate of Annapolis, and Diana, a go-getting reporter, join Professor Norton for a search for the source of a string of earthquakes, Atlantis. They ride Prof. Norton's rocket submarine searching the sea and little Billy Norton, the professor's son stows away, of course. When they find Atlantis they are caught in a war between peaceful Atlanteans, note their white capes, and war-monging Atlanteans, note their black capes. After many harrowing moments for Crash, Diana, Prof. Norton and Billy, they barely ... continua

Undersea Kingdom part 1

1936 - Sci-Fi / Adventure

Crash Corrigan, a recent graduate of Annapolis, and Diana, a go-getting reporter, join Professor Norton for a search for the source of a string of earthquakes, Atlantis. They ride Prof. Norton's rocket submarine searching the sea and little Billy Norton, the professor's son stows away, of course. When they find Atlantis they are caught in a war between peaceful Atlanteans, note their white capes, and war-monging Atlanteans, note their black capes. After many harrowing moments for Crash, Diana, Prof. Norton and Billy, they barely ... continua

Blue Steel

1934 - Genre: Western
Réalisé par: Robert N. Bradbury
Writing credits: Robert N. Bradbury
Ayant vu un homme dérober le contenu d'un coffre fort contenant les salaires des hommes du village, le Sheriff Jake part à sa poursuite.Alors qu'il est sur le point de l'arrêter, celui-ci lui sauve la vie.Encore dans le doute, il décide de s'allier à l'homme.Ils découvrent plus tard que Melgrove, un notable du village, cherche à racheter les ranches alentours et incite les gens à quitter le village en bloquant les ravitaillements.Les villageois étant sur le point de ... continua

Painful Deceptions - Questions douloureuses

Eric Hufschmid - Une analyse des attentats du 11 septembre
Un complément vidéo au livre « Painful Questions » (« Questions douloureuses ») d'Eric HufschimdUne analyse approfondie de tous les faits relatifs: AU BATIMENT 7 DU WORLD TRADE CENTRE A L'ATTENTAT DU PENTAGONE AUX TOURS JUMELLES Alors que le choc des attentats se dissipe, on réalise qu'il y a quelque chose d'incohérent dans les événements de ce jour-là.
Comment se fait-il... Qu'Oussama Ben Laden ait pu mettre en place un attentat aussi dévastateur? ... continua