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Electricity and Gas: You choose!

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Already effective in nine Member States, the liberalisation of gas and electricity markets comes into effect throughout the European Union from July 1, 2007. Consumers of electricity and gas across the whole EU now have the right to freely choose their supplier. Competitive prices, a quality service and consumers’ rights protection should be the benefits of this liberalisation, started more than 10 years ago by the European Commission. The liberalisation of the gas and electricity markets should also reinforce the interconnections between the Member States and guarantee supplies for all EU consumers.
What does it mean ?
The liberalisation of gas and electricity markets means that production and supply of energy become completely independent from transport and distribution. The whole process will not necessarily be assured by the same body. In practical terms, from now on there should be free competition between suppliers.
The goal of liberalisation is to guarantee supply for all consumers in the Union but also to ensure competitiveness of gas and electricity suppliers’ prices. This is overseen by national public authorities: the European gas and electricity regulators.
Andris Piebalgs: EU Commissioner for EnergyMeglena Kuneva: EU Commissioner for Consumer ProtectionAllan Asher: Chief Executive of Energywatch, UKRichard: Consumer, UKPatricia de Suzzoni: Commission for Energy Regulation, FranceFrancis Ghigny: President of the Walloon Commission for EnergyJacqueline: Consumer, BelgiumGuy: Consumer, Belgium
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