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The EU and Afghanistan: Supporting renewal through security and development

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The past six years in Afghanistan have been marked by a struggle to maintain the peace and build the institutions of economic and social revival. This is no easy task in a country driven by two and half decades of conflict. The EU has developed a comprehensive range of measures and missions, with an emphasis on areas of greatest concern, like the burgeoning drugs production and its impact on the security situation, as well as on progress in rural and economic development and supporting the rights of women. What progress lies beneath the daily news reports? The video shows the European Union’s “EUPOL” police training and skills-building initiative, which is helping train police officers across the country and providing advice on strategy. The violent forces which shook Afghanistan for more than two decades have left a police force in need of strategic guidance, managerial know-how as well as a capacity on the street to fight crime. "We’d very much like to support the development of their police towards international standards” says Joergen SCHOLZ, Head of EUPOL Mission in Afghanistan. “In a country like this, in which the administrative bodies have been destroyed by the long-lasting war inside the country, there was a need to bring a lot of police into the streets very quickly. So the European model, to well-train police officers over a period of two to three years, might certainly not be suitable for the country here. So we must go for a solution in the very middle.” The video also reports from Nangahar and Laghman provinces on the border with Pakistan, where innovative agricultural and health projects are transforming the lives of thousands of people and offering business and social welfare models for the future. "You have a very remarkable improvement in the health sector" says Hansjoerg Kretschmer, Head of the European Commission Delegation in Afghanistan. “Now 80 % of the population is covered by the basic package of Health Services. We have a remarkable improvement in infrastructure, and we have a big jump forwards in terms of education." Stories such as these demonstrate the impact that the EU is having on the ground, in the lives of people living away from the headlines. Interviews: Joergen Scholz, Head of Mission of EUPOL force in Afghanistan
Major General Salim Ahsas, Commander Police, Kabul Zone
General Ahmad Niksad, Head of Criminal Investigation Department, Kabul Police
Francesc Vendrell, Special representative of the European Union in Afghanistan
“Huma”, Victim of domestic violence (fictive name)
Jamila Ghairat, Administrator and program manager of Women for Afghan Women
Ambassador Hansjoerg Kretschmer, Head of Delegation, European Commission in Afghanistan
Dr Mohammed Naseem, Health Care Programme Manager, HealthNet TPO in Nangahar province
Sazpari, old woman suffering from depression
Dr Hafizullah Faiz, Programme Manager Mental Health, HealthNet TPO
Arbab Aziz, Fish farm manager, Nangahar province
Friedrich Roentt, Development Consultant for Project for Alternative Livelihoods (PAL). Gesellschaft for Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ)
Alain de Bures, Agricultural programme consultant for Madera

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