The expertise of SMEs and universities for the efficietn airports of tomorrow.
In many European companies people in their 50s like Pasi and Rita don't have a very good image. Too expensive, not flexible enough, they are pushed towards early retirement. In Finland, it's the opposite. Older workers are valued, because the baby boom generation is ten years ahead of the rest of the European Union. Born just after the War, Finnish baby boomers are apporaching retirement, but the reinforcements aren't there yet. As a result, Finland adapting and developing programmes to keep older people at work.
Interviews:Pasi Kaunismäki: Welder.
Riita Marinen-Rinne: Confectionary Worker.
Juhani Ilmarien: Professor - Finnish institute for occupational health.
Vladimir ?pidla: European Commissioner for Employment Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities.
Steffen Jantz: Father.
Ingrid Kunert: Nursery Teacher.
O-Ton Burghard Jung: Mayor of Leipzig.
Paul Eerik Rummo: Estonian Minister of Population.
Cathlin Tohver: Mother.
Bärber Elstrodt: Programm Editor 'Seniorama'.
Jospeh Kalkhoff: Cameraman - 'Seniorama'.
Eska Päiväpuro: Director of Public Works.
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