Mickey lives with his Uncle Pat, and they frequently have corned beef for dinner. The gang meanwhile steals fruit from the local merchant by using a funnel and a drainpipe. The police officer who catches them wants to teach them a lesson, and then goes to get corned beef dinner with Pat. Mickey is soon adopted by his Aunt Kate to make him into a little gentleman. She and her butler bathe him down, slick back his hair and put him in a Little Lord Fauntleroy suit. To make things worse is Mickey's Cousin Percy who make his life even more miserable. During a time when Aunt Kate is out, Uncle Pat and the gang pay a visit, and with Pat keeping the butler out of the way, Mickey and the gang have some fun. They ride the dumbwaiter, slide down the banister into cushions, slide on liquid soap over the kitchen floor and Mary finds her way to Aunt Kate's room and plays dress-up in her dresses and jewelry. Farina, meanwhile, pours a bottle of liquor into the fish bowl and watches the fish get drunk! By now, the butler is loose and calls for the police, but Farina ups the ante by calling on the fire department and an ambulance as well. Aunt Kate returns to discover the disaster and realizes that bringing Mickey to her home was a big mistake, allowing him to head home with Pat and the gang