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The bright side of the cloud: The digital transition we want

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The digital transition is a key element of the EU plan for economic recovery and strategic autonomy. It is also regarded as vital for mitigating climate change and completing the ecological transition. However, certain questions have yet to be resolved if digitalisation and its associated technologies are to fulfil these expectations.

Reconciling the digital transition with the ecological transition is one of the greatest challenges of our time. It therefore demands a broad and realistic public debate not only about the virtues of digitalisation but about its negative impacts as well, a debate about the future of digitalisation. What do we want it to be and do, and for whom? This debate must involve public administration, business and users.

Digital technology is a finite resource—like the natural resources from which it is made—that we must preserve and manage sensibly. The promotion of digital austerity, eco-friendly design, the combination of low-tech and high-tech, green software, less renewal of equipment and open hardware may lead us to an alternative, resilient, sustainable and democratic digital future.


Coral Calero has a PhD in computer engineering and is a professor of IT languages and systems at the Computer Science School of the University of Castile-La Mancha. She is a member of the Alarcos Research Group, where she is responsible for the “Green and Sustainable Software” line.

Julieta Arancio is a post-doctoral researcher in open science hardware at Drexel University (USA). She leads an international open hardware research group and co-founded the Latin American network for open science hardware (reGOSH).

Kim Van Sparrentak is a Dutch Member of the European Parliament for the Greens/EFA Group (since 2019). She is a member of the Special Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection, and her work focuses on AI utilisation with respect for human rights and the green digital transition.

Organised by the Green European Foundation (GEF) in collaboration with Fundación Transición Verde and La Casa Encendida.

Visita: www.lacasaencendida.es

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