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Everyday utopias. Domestic revolutions and community life

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One of the values of utopianism is having practically tried alternative forms of community life, experiences traced by Kristen Ghodsee in her book Everyday Utopias. What 2,000 years of wild experiments can teach us about the good life (Captain Swing, 2024): from historical projects and texts (phalansteries, religious communities...) to Danish cohousing cooperatives that share tasks and strengthen neighborhood ties, Colombian matriarchal ecovillages where residents grow all their own food, or planned microdistricts in China that ensure everything a home might need is nearby.

What value do these experiments linked to social reproduction and alternative ways of life have in a context of ecosocial crisis? To what extent do feminist architecture and urbanism find inspiration in these initiatives? What invisible thread connects Plato's Republic with various utopian projects until reaching Star Trek?

Kristen Ghodsee is an ethnographer, writer, and professor of Russian and East European Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. Seven of her nine books focus on everyday life and the social, political and economic upheavals following the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989.

Also participating in the debate are Blanca Valdivia, urban sociologist, member of the Punt 6 Collective dedicated to rethinking domestic, community and public spaces from a feminist perspective, and Nacho García Pedraza, member of the Garúa Cooperative, promoter of initiatives such as the cooperative housing project. in right of use Entrepatios and the shared parenting space El Arenero.

Coordinator: José Luis Fernández Casadevante Kois, member of the Garúa cooperative. He is a sociologist and international expert on food sovereignty from the UNIA.
Organized by: La Casa Encendida and Cooperativa Garúa.

Visita: www.lacasaencendida.es

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