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Hai cercato: loose | Risultati: 27

Rogue's tavern

A mad killer is on the loose in a hotel on a dark, gloomy night

The sadist

This is believed to be the first feature film based on real life serial killers Charles Starkweather and Caril Fugate. Mainstream Hollywood would not produce films inspired by the pair until a decade after this one. A number of films were inspired by the duo (some very loosely) and included such major examples as Terrence Malick's Badlands (1973) and Oliver Stone's Natural Born Killers (1994)

The secret weapon

Sherlock Holmes and the secret weapon (1943) is the fourth in the Sherlock Holmes (1939 film series) series of Sherlock Holmes films. The film is credited as an adaptation of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Holmes tale "The Adventure of the Dancing Men," but the only element of the source material to be used is the dancing men code.
This is the second Basil Rathbone "Sherlock Holmes" film in which Moriarty dies. He is thrown to his death from the top of the Tower of London by Holmes in 1939's The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (film). During the course of the adventure, ... continua

Face on the barroom floor

Face on the barroom floor is a short subject written and directed by Charles Chaplin in 1914. Chaplin stars in this film, loosely based on the poem of the same name by Hugh Antoine d'Arcy.

Beat the devil (plus fort que le diable)

Beat the Devil is a 1953 film directed by John Huston. The screenplay was by Huston and Truman Capote, loosely based upon a novel of the same name by British journalist Claud Cockburn, writing under the pseudonym James Helvick. It is a parody of Huston's The Maltese Falcon (1941 film) and films of the same genre.

Boys will be boys

Boys will be boys is a 1935 United Kingdom comedy film directed by William Beaudine which stars Will Hay, Gordon Harker and Jimmy Hanley. The film is set at Narkover School, where headmaster Doctor Alec Smart (Will Hay) becomes involved in the disappearance of a valuable necklace. The setting is loosely based on the works of Beachcomber (Pen name), where Narkover is a school specializing in gambling and extortion, and the headmaster is a "Dr. Smart-Allick".

The little princess

The little princess is a 1939 American drama film directed by Walter Lang. The screenplay by Ethel Hill and Walter Ferris is loosely based on the novel A little princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett. The film was the first Shirley Temple movie to be filmed completely in Technicolor.

Freddy Mc Gregor

Freddie McGregor è uno dei pochi grandi artisti della storia del reggae a non essere ancora passato dal festival e siamo lieti di averlo quest’anno quindi per la prima volta. Le radici del suo stile impeccabile affondano nei tempi dello ska in cui era già attivo anche se giovanissimo. La sua carriera ha attraversato quindi quattro decadi di musica giamaicana toccando i vertici di creatività e di successo nei primissimi anni ottanta e spaziando da grandi esempi di roots music a dolcissimi hits lovers rock e qualche incursione nella dancehall. E’ noto per essere ... continua

Visita: www.rototom.com

Mother Earth. A new future for new farmers

Milioni di coltivatori poveri hanno volto le spalle all’agricoltura moderna con lo scopo di rivitalizzare i loro metodi tradizionali di coltivazione. Con grande successo! I buoni risultati sono dovuti al lavorare intensivamente assieme, e alla combinazione magistrale dei semi tradizionali. Sammamma Begari, una coltivatrice di Bidakanne, un paese dal Sud dell’India, afferma orgogliosamente: “Abbiamo le nostre culture. Forniscono da mangiare a noi e ai nostri bambini. Non voglio per niente perderle ancora.”Millions of poor farmers however have turned their backs ... continua

Visita: www.croceviaterra.it

El papel del sur

Documentario sul conflitto generato dalla installazione di aziende di cellulosa a Fray Bentos, nelle rive del fiume Uruguay. Situazione che scatena diverse espressioni nelle due margini (Argentina - Uruguay). El papel del Sur mette in evidenza i ruoli che si definiscono per i paesi del Nord e le aziende transnazionali, e che rappresentano un allarme nella protezione della sovranità territoriale e l’autonomia dei paesi del Sud.Documentary about conflict breeding installation of a cellulose firm in Fray Bentos, on the shore of Uruguay river. Situations which let ... continua

Visita: www.croceviaterra.it