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Hitler's early life: Origins of a monster - The Hitler chronicles - Full colorized

When a young Hitler joins the Bavarian army and becomes a soldier and a patriot, for the first time he feels like he belongs. But when WW1 ends, he loses the only regular life he's known.

The end of Jim Morrison

1971. When Jim Morrison was at the height of his career, The Doors seemed unstoppable. Six years of intensive career, 6 albums, 200 concerts. Jim Morrison had become a music legend...until a tragic end. Full documentary on the life of this rock icon, from the beginning... until the end.

France and the german occupation period

The german military administration in France ended with the Liberation of France after the Normandy and Provence landings. It formally existed from May 1940 to December 1944, though most of its territory had been liberated by the allies by the end of summer 1944.

That's wild: in the heart of the Colorado wilderness

An award-winning documentary that tells the inspiring journey of three underserved teenage boys from Atlanta who attempt to climb four 12,000 ft snow-capped peaks in the heart of the Colorado wilderness.

Jihad: trying to live life in Aleppo

Life in Aleppo under JIHADist control

Caccia ai pedocriminali

88 milioni di contenuti relativi ad abusi su minori sono circolati nel mondo nel 2022, e almeno due immagini di stupro al secondo vengono condivise sul web. Social media e gaming online sono facili vettori, al servizio di pedofili e molestatori, nella ricerca di nuove vittime. Questo documentario è il risultato di quattro anni di inchieste condotte tra Germania, Francia, Regno Unito, Nordamerica e Filippine, Paesi in prima linea in una lotta globale per la salvaguardia dei minori.

Visita: www.arte.tv

Yemen: la furia degli Huthi

Gli Huthi controllano con il pugno di ferro un terzo del territorio dello Yemen, che corrisponde alla parte più popolata del Paese nonché la più devastata da dieci anni di guerra civile nel paese del sud del Golfo. Ora hanno trasformato la loro lotta insurrezionale in un grido di rabbia a sostegno della Palestina.

Visita: www.arte.tv

It only gets worse for these firemen

French firemen, losing the fight against this fire

Paranormal UK: UFOs, Cryptids and Hauntings

The United Kingdom has a history of paranormal and supernatural events like nowhere else on earth. From one of the most haunted houses in the world, to the most infamous Alien encounter in UK history, explore some of the most terrifying encounters in England.

SOS! Unstoppable fire in this town

A town in danger, they can't fight the fire