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The Lost City 6

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua

The Lost City 7

1935 - Sci-fi / Fantasy
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical ... continua

The Lost City 8

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua

The Lost City 9

1935 - Sci-Fi
After a series of electrical storms disrupts the world, electrical engineer Bruce Gordon develops a machine to trace the cause of the disasters. He discovers that the source is in central Africa and, backed by the nations of the world, sets out on an expedition. Bruce learns that the disturbances emanate from an area called the Magnetic Mountain. But unknown to our hero and his pal Jerry, the Magnetic Mountain also contains a super-advanced secret city ruled by the tyrannical scientific wizard named Zolok, who has unleashed the electrical fury ... continua

The Lucifer Complex

1978 - Sci-FiAn intelligence agent discovers a Nazi plot to revive the Third Reich by using clones. Directed by: Kenneth Hartford, David L. Hewitt Writing credits: David L. Hewitt, Dale Skillicorn Cast: Robert Vaughn, Merrie Lynn Ross, Keenan Wynn, Aldo Ray, William Lanning, Ross Durfee, Victoria Carroll, Glenn Ransom, Kieu Chinh, Lynn Cartwright, Colin Eliot Brown, Corinne Cole, Gustaf Unger, Bertil Unger, Carol Terry Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles:


TUN­DRA sin­go­lo e­strat­to dall'al­bum "ta­j­ga" pro­dot­to da A­mau­ry Cam­bu­zat (U­lan Ba­tor, Fau­st) e rea­liz­za­to in Set­tem­bre 2009 dal­la la­bel in­gle­se A­cid Co­bra Rec. e la co-pro­du­zio­ne di DeAm­bu­la Re­cords e I di­schi del Mi­dol­lo, di­stri­bui­to in I­ta­lia da Ve­nus. Vi­deo rea­liz­za­to in Sco­zia nel me­se di No­vem­bre dall'a­me­ri­ca­no fo­to­gra­fo, ci­nea­sta e de­si­gner To­bias Fel­tus.Visita il sito: themarigoldband

Visita: www.themarigold.com myspace http:

The Phantom Planet

1961 - Sci-FiThe mysterious appearance of the self contained planet -Rheton- has the ability to move in and out of galaxies to escape their enemies. Earth sends an astronaut team to investigate, which discovers miniature people. One astronaut survives to help them fight off monsters and Solorite attacks.Directed by: William Marshall Writing credits: Fred Gebhardt William Telaak Cast: Dean Fredericks, Coleen Gray, Anthony Dexter, Francis X. Bushman, Richard Weber, Al Jarvis, Dick Haynes, Earl McDaniels, Mike Marshall, John Herrin, Mel Curtis, Jimmy Weldon, Akemi ... continua

The Revenge of Doctor X

1970 - Sci-fiA mad scientist uses thunder and lightning to turn carnivorous plants into man-eating creatures. Directed by: Kenneth G. Crane Writing credits: Edward D. Wood Jr. Cast: James Craig, James Yagi Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com Download subtitles:

The Sad SMoky Mountains. A civil/art action for Tibet

L'11 maggio 2008 e l'8 agosto 2008 si svolgono le due fasi di Sad Smoky Mountains.Alberto Peruffo: "Nella parte finale della nostra azione le Tristi Montagne Fumanti incontreranno le Città. È giunto il momento degli Urban Climbers, degli "alpinisti cittadini"! Insieme alle montagne, alle colline, accenderemo di colore rosso il cuore delle città e dei loro abitanti ritornando all’origine delle colonne di fumo che abbiamo scelto come simbolo invariabile della nostra opera. Quelle colonne sono infatti una manipolazione cromatica del fumo eruttato l’11 settembre ... continua

Visita: www.sadsmokymountains.net

The Snow Creature

1954 - Sci-FiBotanist Frank Parrish leads an expedition to the Himalayas to seek out new flora, accompanied by hardboiled news photographer Peter Wells. When their lead guide, Subra, learns his wife has been kidnapped by a Yeti, Parrish disbelieves him, so the sherpas commandeer the expedition at gunpoint and turn it into a search-and-rescue party. To Parrish's surprise, they discover a whole family of Yetis in a cave, and are able to subdue the male and carry it back to civilization, to ship to the USA for study. Subra is forgiven his acts because he was right after ... continua