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ALTO MAIPO - Conflicto social por el agua en Chile

El proyecto hidroeléctrico, Alto Maipo, de la empresa AES GENER, ubicado en la zona sur-oriental de la Región Metropolitana, contempla la construcción de dos centrales hidroeléctricas que proveerán de este vital recurso a cerca de 7 millones de habitantes en la capital de Chile, Santiago.
El agua, proveniente de glaciares y vertientes que desembocan en el río Maipo, será entubada por un trayecto aproximado de 70 km, obviando su cauce natural. El impacto ambiental y económico sobre la población que habita este valle, auguran un futuro incierto tanto para al ... continua

Agencia de bicicletas

Un niño después de la muerte de su padre, trabajaba en los veranos, para ganar dinero y ayudar a su madre en los gastos de casa, pero en Teherán nadie le da trabajo. Esto le hace mucho daño ya que estaba acostumbrado de trabajar en los veranos. Así que con la ayuda de su tío, que vive en Teherán, monta una agencia de bicicletas, para llevar las compras de los vecinos a sus casas.

Una chica en la jaula

Un grupo delincuente intenta robar una pieza muy antigua del museo. Un agente de policía llamado Mohsen, con el objetivo de salvar su antiguo amigo Sohrab, así como evitar el robo, se infiltra en la banda y…

American Aristocracy

American Aristocracy is a 1916 American silent film Adventure film/comedy-drama film directed by Lloyd Ingraham and starring Douglas Fairbanks. A 35mm print of the film is preserved at the George Eastman House and is currently in the public domain.

Raggedy Rose

Raggedy Rose is a 1926 film American Silent film comedy film starring Mabel Normand. The film was co-written by Stan Laurel, and directed by Richard Wallace (director).

The desert trail

John Scott (John Wayne) gets his rodeo prize money and then the official is robbed and murdered shortly after. John and Kansas Charlie (Eddy Chandler) are falsey accused and have to flea town. Mystic Nights Videos The Desert Trail is a 1935 Western (genre) film starring John Wayne and directed by Cullin Lewis. The movie also features Eddy Chandler, Mary Kornman, and Paul Fix.

Why we fight: The battle of Russia - Part 1

Produced by the U.S. Army Special Service Division, and directed by Frank Capra "Why we fight" is a seven part propaganda/documentary series that traces the earliest beginnings of the second world war starting with Japan's invasion of China in 1931, to the Nazi's march across europe. This is a remasterd version encoded for Apple TV.

Ghosts on the Loose

Glimpy's surprisingly beautiful sister (Ava Gardner) is getting married to Jack (Rick Vallin), a young engineer, and moving to a 'bargain' suburban house neither has ever seen. During the honeymoon, the East Side Kids decide to fix up the house for the newlyweds...but mistakenly pick the 'haunted' house next door, which is occupied by some mysterious live men (Bela Lugosi), dodging in and out of secret panels and clearly up to no good

Father's little dividend

Starring Spencer Tracy, Elizibeth Taylor, Billie Burke, this entertaining movie tells the tale of a grumpy, soon-to-be grandfather who does not look forward to the idea. Spencer Tracy is great in this film

Alessandro Bergonzoni: Vastità

Per tutti i nati con la camicia (di forza), Alessandro Bergonzoni insegue la fortuna nei suoi paradossi linguistici più eloquenti e avventurosi, chiedendo «a tutti i nati con la camicia di forza di tornare innati, di puntare tutto sul tutto, di giocare senza sapere a cosa. Perché solo coi dadi tondi, le salite e le discese, si capirà se perdiamo o se le nostre guarnizioni tengono, a noi e al mondo».

Visita: www.festivalfilosofia.it