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O jagunço Antão, o Gavião, é ferido, apanhado e matado por os jagunços de Jesuíno, que invadem a cidade de Sertânia. O filme projeta a mente febril e delirante de Antão, que relembra os acontecimentos.
Dirección | Regia | Director: Geraldo Sarno
Guión | Sceneggiatura | Sceenplay: Geraldo Sarno
Fotografía | Fotografia | Director of Photography: Miguel Vassy
Montaje | Montaggio | Editing: Geraldo Sarno e Renato Vallone
Banda sonora | Colonna sonora | Soundtrack: Lindemberg Cardoso
Sonido | Suono | Sound: Waldir Xavier
Intérpretes | Attori | Cast: ... continua

Visita: www.cinelatinotrieste.org

Seth M. Siegel: Agua, un tesoro mal cuidado

Seth M. Siegel: Empresario, escritor y activista estadounidense. Es autor de Let There Be Water: Israel’s Solution for a Water-Starved World y consultor senior de Start-Up Nation Central. Miembro del Consejo de Relaciones Exteriores de los Estados Unidos. Es cofundador de numerosas compañías y ha sido productor de TV y agente de diversas celebridades y corporaciones.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Seven keys To Baldpate

George M Cohan stars in the 1917 film of his play based on the often filmed Earl Derr Biggers novel.
Seven keys to Baldpate is a 1917 American silent mystery/thriller film produced by George M. Cohan and distributed by Artcraft Pictures, an affiliate of Paramount. The film is based on Cohan's play of the novel by Earl Derr Biggers. Cohan himself stars in this silent version along with Anna Q. Nilsson and Hedda Hopper, billed under her real name Elda Furry. One version of the play preceded this movie in 1916 and numerous versions followed in the succeeding decades ... continua

Seven were saved

An army nurse undergoes a mission in taking an amnesia victim, who was imprisoned by the Japanese during World War II, to the United States via plane. The passengers include a Japanese colonel on his way to Manila to face war-crime charges, and a couple who were married on the day they were liberated from a Japanese prison camp. During the flight, the colonel breaks away from his guards, causing the plane to spiral out of control, and it plummets into the sea...

Sfida Infernale

Siamo nel 1882, Wyatt Earp, che in passato si è fatto un nome come sceriffo di Dodge City, e i suoi fratelli Morgan, Virgil e James sono di passaggio in Arizona, diretti in California con la loro mandria di bovini. Una sera si accampano presso la cittadina di Tombstone, ma l'assassinio del fratello minore James e il furto dell'intera mandria da parte della banda del vecchio Clanton e dei suoi quattro figli spinge Wyatt ad accettare l'offerta del sindaco per la carica di sceriffo. Dopo l'uccisione anche del fratello Virgil, riuscirà a portare a compimento la sua ... continua

Shadows of death

With the railroad coming to Red Rock, trouble is expected and Billy (Buster Crabbe) has been sent ot help his friend Fuzzy (Al St. John) who is the town's Sheriff, Judge, and barber. When the man that sent Billy is murdered and the railroad location map stolen, broken match sticks point to Vic Landreau. While Billy tries to find the missing map, Landreau suspects Billy is on to him and plans to have him killed

Shaul Ladany, plusmarquista mundial y sobreviviente del Holocausto

El deportista israelí Shaul Ladany se libró de la muerte en Alemania en dos ocasiones: de niño, en el campo de concentración de Bergen-Belsen, y como atleta, en el atentado contra la delegación israelí en los Juegos Olímpicos de 1972 en Múnich.

She Gods of shark reef

She Gods of shark reef is a 1958 B movie-adventure film directed by Roger Corman that was filmed on location in Kaua'i back to back with Thunder over Hawaii in 1956

Sherlock Holmes - Il mistero del carillon

Per liberarsi della refurtiva frutto di una rapina alla Banca d'Inghilterra, un detenuto nasconde una preziosa incisione in tre carillon fatti da lui stesso. Quando in seguito i carillon vengono venduti a un'asta, si scatena una forsennata ricerca da parte di una banda di criminali, disposti anche ad uccidere pur di riappropriarsene. Chiamato ad indagare su alcuni omicidi legati alla vicenda, Sherlock Holmes prova a rintracciare i carillon prima che ci riesca la banda.

Sherlock Holmes - The woman In green

The woman in green is a 1945 American Sherlock Holmes film starring Basil Rathbone as Holmes and Nigel Bruce as Dr. Watson, with Hillary Brooke as the woman of the title and Henry Daniell as Professor Moriarty. The film is not credited as an adaptation of any of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle's Holmes tales, but several of its scenes are taken from "The Final Problem" and "The Adventure of the Empty House." The Woman in Green is the eleventh film of the Sherlock Holmes (1939 film series) series.