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The devil´s messenger

Long Chaney stars as Satan in this three part story based on a collection of episodes from the never-aired TV series No. 13 Demon St.. The Devil sends his reluctant messenger to the surface to recruit new souls. Once in Hell; the damned are instructed to prepare for the delivery of Satan's horrifying "final message" to earth

The disappearance of flight 412

Colonel Pete Moore (Glenn Ford) is commander of the Whitney Radar Test Group, which has been experiencing electrical difficulties aboard its aircraft. To ferret out the problem, he sends a four-man crew on Flight 412. Shortly into the test, the jet picks up three blips on radar, and subsequently, two fighters scramble and mysteriously disappear. At this point, Flight 412 is monitored and forced to land by Digger Control, a top-level, military intelligence group that debunks UFO information. The intrepid colonel, kept in the dark about his crew, decides to investigate ... continua

The Driller Killer

An artist slowly goes insane while struggling to pay his bills, work on his paintings, and care for his two female roommates, which leads him taking to the streets of New York after dark and randomly killing derelicts with a power drill

The Dungeon of Harrow

An evil, sadistic count lives in a waterfront castle with his insane family members. One day the survivor of a shipwreck washes ashore near the castle and finds himself a captive there

The Electric House

The Electric House starts with Buster's graduation ceremony as the first of his comic misfortunes, including a mix-up of diplomas so Buster receives a diploma in electrical engineering. This leads to a job opportunity: electrifying the family house of the girl he's sweet on. A great chance, so Buster studies hard and soon installs a useful and impressive set of electric appliances.

The essential John Nash

John F. Nash Jr è stato uno scienziato eccezionale, che ha avuto una vita eccezionale. Tutto in lui ha l’impronta della originalità, dalla sua precocissima ascesa nel mondo della scienza, alla repentina caduta nel baratro della malattia. Abbiamo parlato del genio dei numeri con Roberto Lucchetti, professore ordinario di analisi matematica al Politecnico di Milano.

The evil mind

Claude Rains stars as Maximus, a phony mind-reader, who finds his predictions coming true

The eye creatures

The eye creatures (also known as Attack of the eye creatures, or Attack of the the eye creatures from a production error) is a 1965 science-fiction film about an invasion of an unnamed American countryside by a flying saucer and its silent, shambling alien occupants. While the military ineptly attempts to stop the invasion, a group of young people, whose reports to the local police are dismissed as pranks or wild imagination, struggle to defend themselves against the menacing monsters

The fall of the house of usher

Allan visits the sinister Usher family mansion, where his friend Roderick is painting a portrait of his sickly wife Madeline. The portrait seems to be draining the life out of Madeline, slowly leading to her death

The Fatal Glass of Beer

The prodigal son of a Yukon prospector comes home on a night that "ain't fit for man nor beast."