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Their purple moment

Stan and Ollie hold out money from their paychecks from their shrewish wives so they can enjoy a night out on the town... with predictable results

Theodore Gray - Elementi Molecole e Reazioni

Autore di bestseller come "Gli Elementi", "Molecole", "Completely Mad Science" e "Reactions". É il creatore dell'app per iPad "Gli elementi" e "Molecules"ed è inoltre il Direttore di "Disney Animated" nominata dalla Apple. È apparso per tre volte sul palco al fianco di Steve Jobs nel suo ruolo di creatore di software.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

This is not a test

Late one night on a rural road in the western US, a policeman sets up a roadblock and begins stopping all traffic. When several cars and a big truck have stopped, he and the others learn the reason for this roadblock...

Thomas Bossert: Sistemas de salud descentralizados

Thomas Bossert: Tiene muchos años de experiencia en salud internacional en América Latina y el Caribe, África, Asia y Europa Central y del Este. Sus especialidades incluyen reforma de salud, descentralización, sostenibilidad y transición, ciencia de implementación, capital social, planificación estratégica de recursos humanos y análisis de factibilidad política.
Sus publicaciones han aparecido en Social Science and Medicine, Health Policy and Planning, WHO Bulletin, The Lancet, entre otras revistas y monografías. Su innovador enfoque de «espacio de ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Thomas Henning: Habitar el Universo, ¿Volveremos al orígen?

En el marco del Congreso del Futuro, Thomas Henning -Astrofisico alemán- realizó su charla magistral: “Habitar el Universo, ¿Volveremos al orígen?"

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Thomas Malone: Supermentes: La alianza entre humanos y computadoras

Thomas Malone: Profesor de gestión Patrick J. McGovern en MIT Sloan School of Management y el director fundador del MIT Center for Collective Intelligence. En el MIT, también es profesor de tecnología de la información y profesor de trabajo y estudios organizativos. Anteriormente, fue fundador y director del Centro de Ciencia de Coordinación del MIT y uno de los dos codirectores fundadores de la Iniciativa del MIT: "Inventar las organizaciones del siglo XXI". Imparte clases sobre diseño organizativo, tecnología de la información, y liderazgo.Ha sido cofundador ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Thomas Sankara: un nome e una storia che dobbiamo conoscere

L'ultimo discorso di Sankara, un discorso che gli costò la vita, un discorso da scolpire nella pietra.

Three ages

The misadventures of Buster in three separate historical periods

Three Broadway girls

A trio of money hungry women who all have sugar daddies who keep them in the lap of luxury, even as they drive the men crazy. Each woman represents a different personality type, from sensitive, to kind-hearted, to difficult and untrustworthy. Stars Joan Blondell

Three husbands

After suffering a fatal heart attack, confirmed bachelor Emlyn Williams (as Maxwell "Max" Bard) gives heavenly greeters his last wish - he would like to observe events on Earth for the next twenty-four hours.
And, with good reason. Mr. Williams has left not only a will, but also letters to "Three Husbands" admitting affairs with each of their three wives.
The three men are poker playing pals Shepperd Strudwick (as Arthur Evans), Robert Karnes (as Kenneth Whittaker), and Howard Da Silva (as Dan McCabe). Their respective wives are Ruth Warrick (as Jane), Vanessa Brown ... continua