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Berlín: La sinagoga de la cúpula dorada

Un reportaje sobre la agitada historia de la "Nueva Sinagoga" de Berlín. Sufrió serios daños en el pogrom nazi de 1938 y años después durante los bombardeos en la II Guerra Mundial. Hoy, gracias a fotos y animaciones, puede apreciarse su antiguo esplendor.
El primer ministro de Prusia, Otto von Bismarck, asistió en 1866 a la inauguración de la Nueva Sinagoga. El que sería años después canciller imperial, quedó deslumbrado por el edificio y, en concreto, por la dorada cúpula. El arquitecto, Eduard Knoblauch, se había inspirado en el estilo nazarí de la ... continua

Berlusconi e la mafia. Paolo Borsellino, la sua ultima intervista

Introduzione di Marco Travaglio, documento assolutamente imperdibile, guardatelo e diffondetelo! Un commosso ringraziamento a Paolo Borsellino, Giovanni Falcone, alle loro scorte e a tutti i morti ammazzati per avere cercato di combattere la mafia.
  • Visualizzazioni: 1980
  • Lingua: ITALIANO | Licenza: Non commerciale - Non opere derivate - Licenza 3.0
  • Fonte: CONTROINFORMAZIONE INDIPENDENTE | Durata: 100 min | Pubblicato il: 16-09-2020
  • Totale: 102 filmati
  • Categoria: Approfondimenti
  • Scarica: MP3 | MP4 |
  • 1.4/5 (34 voti)
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Berlusconi, Provenzano - Lettere D'Amore

Le lettere di Bernardo Provenzano a Silvio Berlusconi, dove offre appoggio politico in cambio della disponibilità di una rete TV
  • Visualizzazioni: 1105
  • Lingua: ITALIANO | Licenza: Non commerciale - Non opere derivate - Licenza 3.0
  • Fonte: Libero Dalla Guerra | Durata: 6.5 min | Pubblicato il: 2019-07-17
  • Totale: 611 filmati
  • Categoria: Conferenze
  • Scarica: MP3 | MP4 |
  • 1.2/5 (31 voti)
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Bernie Sanders - Desigualdad de Ingresos

El Senador Bernie Sanders, candidato demócrata para presidente, habla acerca de la desigualdad de ingresos y riqueza en este país.

Besar la luna

Las madres de dos mártires de la guerra impuesta por Irak a Irán aún están esperando recibir los cadáveres de sus hijos. Tantos años de espera y convivencia las ha convertido en hermanas lo que conduce a una de ellas a sacrificarse por la otra cuando la avisan del regreso de su hijo a casa.

Beth Noveck - La nueva sociedad

Beth Simone Noveck (born 1971) is the Jerry Hultin Global Network Professor at New York University's Tandon School of Engineering and director of the Governance Lab. She was the United States deputy chief technology officer for open government and led President Obama's Open Government Initiative. Based at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy until January 2011, she is an expert on technology and institutional innovation. On May 16, 2011 George Osborne announced that Noveck had been recruited to a position in the United Kingdom government. She is a ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Beth Noveck: La Nueva Sociedad

Beth Noveck: Profesora en la Escuela de Ingeniería de Tandon de la Universidad de Nueva York y Directora del Laboratorio de Gobierno. Especialista en relaciones institucionales, formó parte de la primera experiencia de Gobierno Abierto en Estados Unidos durante la primera legislatura de Obama. La definición de Gobierno Abierto busca la forma de relacionarse entre la Administración Pública y los ciudadanos, caracterizada por el establecimiento de canales de comunicación y contacto directo, entre ellos mediante sistemas vinculados a la tecnología.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Betty Boop and Grampy

Betty Boop is an animated cartoon character created by Max Fleischer, with help from animators including Grim Natwick. She originally appeared in the Talkartoon and Betty Boop film series, which were produced by Fleischer Studios and released by Paramount Pictures. She has also been featured in comic strips and mass merchandising.
A caricature of a Jazz Age flapper, Betty Boop was described in a 1934 court case as: "combin[ing] in appearance the childish with the sophisticated--a large round baby face with big eyes and a nose like a button, framed in a somewhat ... continua

Betty Boop and little Jimmy

Betty Boop is an animated cartoon character created by Max Fleischer, with help from animators including Grim Natwick. She originally appeared in the Talkartoon and Betty Boop film series, which were produced by Fleischer Studios and released by Paramount Pictures. She has also been featured in comic strips and mass merchandising.
A caricature of a Jazz Age flapper, Betty Boop was described in a 1934 court case as: "combin[ing] in appearance the childish with the sophisticated--a large round baby face with big eyes and a nose like a button, framed in a somewhat ... continua

Betty Boop and the little King

Betty Boop is an animated cartoon character created by Max Fleischer, with help from animators including Grim Natwick. She originally appeared in the Talkartoon and Betty Boop film series, which were produced by Fleischer Studios and released by Paramount Pictures. She has also been featured in comic strips and mass merchandising.
A caricature of a Jazz Age flapper, Betty Boop was described in a 1934 court case as: "combin[ing] in appearance the childish with the sophisticated--a large round baby face with big eyes and a nose like a button, framed in a somewhat ... continua