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Arthur Conan Doyle

Sir Arthur Ignatius Conan Doyle Venerable Order of Saint John, Deputy Lieutenant (22 May 1859 - 7 July 1930) was a Scottish physician and writer who is most noted for his fictional stories about the detective Sherlock Holmes, which are generally considered milestones in the field of crime fiction. He is also known for writing the fictional adventures of a second character he invented, Professor Challenger, and for popularising the mystery of the Mary Celeste. He was a prolific writer whose other works include fantasy and science fiction stories, plays, romances, ... continua

Entrevista a Pablo Sepúlveda Allende nieto de Salvador Allende

Pablo Sepúlveda Allende, de profesión médico y nieto del gran compañero presidente, Salvador Allende. Pablo Sepúlveda Allende es defensor sin tapujos del proceso Cubano y Venezolano, y visitó la población La Victoria y nuestro canal comunitario, terminando con una gran entrevista en la que nos cuenta su punto de vista en cuanto a diversos temas interesantes y relevantes para Chile y para América Latina. Primer canal de television Popular y Comunitario de Chile

Lloran los niños - Documental de las agresiones a niños mapuches por parte de la policía chilena

¿Cómo viven el conflicto en Araucanía los niños mapuches? Hemos ido a conocer algunos de ellos, que han aceptado contar sus vivencias: "Mi hermano fue disparado", "Mi mamá me encierra en los baños cuando hay disparos", "Los pacos me robaron la infancia"; los niños cuentan cómo es ser mapuche en Araucanía. Tres familias explican como sus ninos son violentados : Catrillanca, Huentecol y Torres Toro. Frente a las realidades con las que nos encontramos como señal 3, decidimos hacer un documental: "Lloran los niños", una propuesta periodística de testimonios ... continua

The Pawnbroker

The Pawnbroker is a 1964 American drama film directed by Sidney Lumet, starring Rod Steiger, Geraldine Fitzgerald, Brock Peters, Jaime Sánchez and Morgan Freeman in his feature film debut. The screenplay was an adaptation by Morton S. Fine and David Friedkin from the novel of the same name by Edward Lewis Wallant.
  • Visualizzazioni: 856
  • Lingua: INGLESE | Sottotitoli: SPAGNOLO | Licenza: Non commerciale - Non opere derivate - Licenza 3.0
  • Fonte: Inteligente Cine | Durata: 115.53 min | Pubblicato il: 2019-01-29
  • Totale: 357 filmati
  • Categoria: Lungometraggi
  • 1.0/5 (15 voti)
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Diamond trail

Reporter Speed Morgan (Rex Bell) helps Flash Barrett (Lloyd Whitlock) escape from the police and this gets him into Flash's gang where he poses as a gangster. Flash and his gang head west guning for Bill Miller (Bud Osborne) who failed to send some diamonds on to Flash. Speed hopes to bring Flash to justice but is in trouble when his true identity is revealed.

Dr. Mabuse, the gambler

A film about the dastardly doings of Norbert Jacques's title villian, directed by Fritz Lang. Rudolf Klein-Rogge stars in a role he later repeated in "The testament of Dr. Mabuse" (aka "The crimes of Dr. Mabuse) in 1933. This is actually the first part of a film that was released in two parts, something Lang has done a few times (The Indian Tomb, Siegfried). Unfortunately, I do not have part 2. I hope at some point someone who has a copy of Part 2 to be kind enough to upload it. Until then, I thought it fitting to upload what I have. NOTE: This is a vhs rip of a print ... continua


Alice Kendall is part of the social elite, and her mother has spent a fortune giving her luxuries. When Alice marrries Fred Garlan her mother wishes him luck as he will need it. Alice wants a new sable coat but Fred can't afford it. When she shows up with a coat, suspicions start to fly.

Eyes in the night

Eyes in the night is a 1942 American mystery film directed by Fred Zinnemann, based on Baynard Kendrick's 1941 novel The Odor of Violets and starring Edward Arnold (actor), Ann Harding and Donna Reed. The film was followed by a sequel (also starring Arnold), The hidden eye.

The playhouse

The playhouse is a 1921 silent short film written, directed by, and starring Buster Keaton. The movie runs for 22 minutes, and is most famous for an opening sequence in which Keaton plays every role.

The Ape

Mad scientist creates an experimental serum.