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A millionaire who has recently lost his wife starts believing that he is being haunted by her spirit

Parlor, Bedroom and Bath

Parlor, Bedroom and Bath is a curious mixture of all that was good and everything that was bad in Buster Keaton's talkie features. sidenote: The Movie was completely filmed in Buster Keaton private 10,000- square-foot Mediterranean palazzo in Beverly Hills

Diego Golombek: El tiempo, sueño y el cerebro, nuestros ritmos biológicos

Diego Golombek: Doctor en Biología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Se desempeña como profesor titular en la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, donde dirige un laboratorio especializado en cronobiología, el estudio de los ritmos circadianos y relojes biológicos, y es investigador superior del CONICET. Fue presidente de la Sociedad Argentina de Neurociencias y coordinador del Programa Nacional de Popularización de la Ciencia. Además de su labor como científico, tiene una reconocida trayectoria como divulgador de la ciencia en diversos ciclos televisivos y medios ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Beatrice Mautino: Il trucco c'è e si vede

Beatrice Mautino - Biotecnologa e Divulgatrice, Socio Effettivo CICAP: "Il trucco c'è e si vede" CICAP FEST 2018 CICAP - FEST 2018 Palazzo Bo Aula Magna, Padova 15/09/2018

Visita: www.cicap.org

Michele Giugliano - Il computer e la bio - fisica per studiare il cervello

Professore Ordinario all'Università di Anversa, dove dirige il laboratorio di Neurobiologia Computazionale e Neuroingegneria. I suoi interessi di ricerca sono nel campo della Biofisica, delle Neuroscienze cellulari e delle nuove nanotecnologie per interfacciare computer al tessuto nervoso.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

10 Minutos: Día de Al-Quds

Cada año, millones de personas en Irán y en todo el mundo se manifiestan en solidaridad con los palestinos en el último viernes del mes sagrado de Ramadán.

Por aquí cerca

Mohsenian, el director financiero de una gran empresa, tiene como único objetivo promover la empresa y obtener grandes beneficios, tratando muy mal a sus empleados. Los empleados están muy disgustados con él, hasta que la muerte va a por el señor Mohsenian. La muerte le ofrecerá 24 horas para revisar sus actos.

Disorder in the court

The stooges are witnesses at a trial where their friend, a dancer at a nightclub where they are musicians, is accused of murder. The stooges manage to disrupt the proceedings but save the day when they discover the real murderer's identity

Refugees' phone records - #MyEscape to Europe (2/2)

In the award-winning #MyEscape, refugees describe their journeys from war to safety. Their escapes were shocking, dramatic and filmed on their mobile phones.
#MyEscape tells the story of a migrant crisis in a digital age. Refugees are reliant on smart phones – from journey planning to morale-boosting phone calls home, the devices are a lifeline for those fleeing to Europe. They carry memories of places left behind and dreams of places not yet seen.
#MyEscape brings together stories from those who have fled their homelands. It lets refugees speak for themselves ... continua

Un'ora di Scienza - Storia della peste con Alessandro Tavecchio