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Sergio Rostagno - Futuri delle scienze e future delle fedi

Professore emerito di Teologia sistematica presso la Facoltà Valdese di Teologia in Roma. Membro della Direzione della rivista Filosofia e Teologia e dell'Associazione Teologica Italiana. Pastore valdese, in vari scritti ha esaminato il rapporto teoria e prassi dal punto di vista del protestantesimo. Sua ultima pubblicazione è Libertà e impegno. Radici religiose e politica europea, Aracne, 2016.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

México dijo ¡Basta!

Con la elección de Andrés Manuel López Obrador como el nuevo presidente de México, el pueblo mexicano celebró una auténtica historia popular. Pero este resultado electoral es el producto de una larga crisis de la democracia mexicana. En este documental trataremos de descubrir cómo llegamos hasta aquí.

10 Minutos: Kais Said Túnez

El 23 de octubre de 2019, Kais Said juró como presidente de Túnez. En su discurso inaugural, Said resaltó la importancia del poder popular y prometió combatir la corrupción desenfrenada en el país.

¿Qué hay de nuevo?

El comportamiento de Fereshte en la universidad le crea problemas y es finalmente expulsada por los directores. Ella empieza a trabajar en una oficina, donde se enamora de su jefe y desde allí empieza un nuevo rumbo en su vida personal.

Esto no es un accidente

Peiman atropella a un motorista y huye de la escena del accidente pero la conciencia y el remordimiento no le deja en paz y decide encontrar al motorista.


A rural Colombian village is attacked by a horrible sea serpent, aroused by industrial pollution of a nearby lake. Based on a real event that took place in June of 1971


This film, with no dialogue at all, follows a psychotic young woman's nightmarish experiences through one skid-row night

The Phantom express

An engineer at the throttle of a locomotive speeding through a tunnel sees the lights of a train approaching from the other end. Although the signals say the track is clear, he still sees the train's lights. He grinds the train to a halt, derailing it. He survives, but many passengers are killed. He is fired in disgrace, but sets out to prove his innocence by finding the "phantom express."

That Gang of Mine

A street kid has dreams of becoming a jockey. He gets his chance when he and his gang discover a poor old man who has a championship race horse. The man agrees to let the boy ride his horse in a race, but first the gang must get enough money to pay for the race's entry fees.

The gorilla

The three Ritz Brothers are fumbling detectives prowling an old dark house haunted by Bela Lugosi, an insane murderer and a giant gorilla