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Totale: 69

European Railway Priority Projects

If we want a competitive Europe that creates jobs, then people and goods have to be able to move around easily and quickly, and without harming the environment.That is the aim of the trans-European transport network, a huge continental-scale programme that will interconnect the national transport infrastructures to create a genuine trans-European network.
Clip 1: The trans-European transport network TEN-TClip 2: High-speed rail axis in the southwest of EuropeClip 3: Lyon-Budapest priority rail axisClip 4: Paris-Bratislava priority rail axisClip 5: Warsaw-Helsinki ... continua

European fisheries: a strategy for eliminating discards.

In Europe, fishing is generally quite targeted. Fishermen know what they want to catch and use the appropiate methods and techniques. Despite this, when they bring their nets in, they often find other fish and marine organisms mixed up with the target species: thus is what is called the by-catch.
Everything in the net has to be sorted and only the fish that can be sold are kept. The rest are returned to the sea, ehre they stand little chance of surviving after the shock of being hauled to the surface. These are what are called discards.
Interviews:Dr. Andy Revill: ... continua

Flu Pandemic: EU getting ready for global response

Several measures to prevent, detect or contain the H5N1 virus in the EU have managed to stop the virus from spreading up to now. The future evolution of the situation is difficult to foresee because the H5N1 virus is still present in many countries, for example in Asia. The European Commission and the Member States constantly review the state of the disease outbreaks in the world and adapt the surveillance and the control measures accordingly.We have visited a Hungarian farm which was the departure point for an outbreak of avian flu that spread to 28 other Hungarian ... continua

Freiner la déforestation

La réduction de l'extrême pauvreté figure parmi le shuit objectifs du millénaire pour le développement. L'accès à l'énergie est essentiel au développement dans la réalisation de cet objectif mais lamenace du changement climatique vient compliquer l'équation. Toute augmentation de la production d'énergie va de pair avec une augmentation desémissions de CO2.
En tant que principaux émetteurs de CO2, les pays du Nord ont la responsabilité morale d'aider les pays en développement à promouvoir desénergies propres ou sobres en carbone.
À Madagascar, la ... continua

From Farm to Fork - Safe Food for European Consumers

Europe is the world's biggest importer and one of the top exporters. To maintain control over the diversity and quality of products within the member states, the european commission has developed laws, regulations and structures. Protecting the health of consumersis a priority in Europe.
The Food and Veterinary Office is located in grange, in Ireland. It is one of the branches of the European Comission charged with supervising the application of food safety laws in Europe. More than a hundred veterinary inspectors are based there.
Interviews:Graham Wood: Inspector, ... continua

Getting Europe's precious waters clean again

Most of Europe does not suffer from droughts, floods or poor water quality. Water-borne diseases, such as dysentery, are rare and most tap water is so clean it can be drunk without the danger of falling ill. However, water resources in Europe are, in many areas, under threat from a range of human activities, affecting the quality of inland and marine waters.
Almost a third of Europe?s population lives in countries that experience high water stress. Nitrate and pesticide pollution of groundwater, often caused by farming, remains a significant problem. And water ... continua

Giving Europe more breathing space

Clean air is essential to our own health and that of the environment. But since the industrial revolution, the quality of the air we breathe has deteriorated considerably - mainly as a result of human activities. Rising industrial and energy production, the burning of fossil fuels and the dramatic rise in traffic on our roads all contribute to air pollution in our towns and cities - and damage our natural environment.
Centuries of treating nature like a dustbin has had disastrous consequences on our environment. For example, around 20 % of forests and lakes in ... continua

Halting the Loss of Europe's Biodiversity by 2010

This huge container ship has just arrived in the Port of Le Havre from the Caribbean. Le Havre is the busiest container port in France.A major hub for the world trade. To deal with the ever growing volume of shipping, the first phase of a huge port expansion has just been completed. The first six berths of Port 2000 cost more than a billion euro. Now the giants of the world's container fleet can dock here.
Interviews:Jerome Dumont, Director, Maison de l'Estuaire
Paul Scherrer, Technical Director, Port of Le Havre
Laurent Chereau, Le Havre Port 2000
Tony Long, ... continua

ITER: Hopes for Clean and Abundant Energy

The sun has been shining for several billion years and will shine for several more. It provides earth with solar power and makes life possible.
In the upcoming decades scientists are hoping to copy the energy source of the sun here on earth, in so-called fusion reactors.
Interviews:Akko Maas,ITER Team/IPP Rijnhuizen, Netherlands
Michel Chatelier, CEA Caderache, France
Gianfranco Federici, ITER Garching
Joachim Roth, MPI/IPP Garching, Germany
Ursel Fantz, MPI/IPP Garching, Germany
Vladimir Barabash, ITER Team/NIIEFA St. Petersburg, Russia
Kaname Ikedia, ITER ... continua

Improving Organ Donation and Transplanation in Europe

Tito Mora has been a successful singer in Spain for many years.His most precious souvenir: probably this golden disc. The very first to be awarded in Spain When we listen to the old songs it's always with a little bit of nostalgia for the past. A time before one of the most difficult periods of this life. Interviews:Tito Mora, patient Tapani Piha, European Commission Dr Rafael Matesanz, National Transplant Organisation Dr Andres Varela, Puerta de Hierro Hospital Dr Arie Ossterlee, Eurotransplant International Foundation Visit the site: www.mostra.com