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Freddie McGregor

Un gran personaje de la historia del reggae jamaicano, así como un sublime cantante, entra en la line up del Sunsplash 2012. Tras sus inicios en duo con Ernest Wilson y su aprendizaje en Studio One sobre finales de los años setenta, Freddie McGregor hizo explotar todo su talento con trabajos cruciales que marcaron el roots reggae producido por la crucial etiqueta de Brentford Road y de Niney the Observer, pero donde había también una agradable vena lover.En 1982 todas las dancehall yards del mundo ondeaban al ritmo rub-a-dub de su 'Big ship', producida por Linval ... continua

Visita: www.rototomsunsplash.com

Visita: www.rototom.tv

Freddy's return: A nightmare reborn

Set between the events of A Nightmare on Elm Street 5: The Dream Child and Freddy's Dead: The Final Nightmare, Freddy's Return is a feature-length non-profit fan production about a young man named Kevin Marks. As a child, Kevin was kidnapped by Freddy Krueger before Freddy was killed by a mob of angry parents. Although he he rescued by the detective that arrested Krueger, he was left scarred emotionally and psychologically. 13 years have passed, and Kevin's family has moved back to Elm Street, stirring up Kevin's darkest memories. A weakened, desperate Freddy, trapped ... continua

Free Entry for Kenyans - W.S.F. Nairobi 2007

Mercoledì 24/01/2007, dopo giorni di trattative tra gli organizzatori del World Social Forum e gli abitanti locali del Kenia, c'è stata una manifestazione Keniota davanti ai cancelli del Forum, sfociata in uno sfondamento simbolico dei cancelli da parte degli abitanti delle baraccopoli che contestavano il pagamento che consentiva l'entrata al Centro Sportivo KASARANI, dove si svolgevano i dibattiti.
La manifestazione si è conclusa in maniera pacifica e l'intermediazione è stata raggiunta tramite la distribuzione di 4000 ingressi gratuiti.
Riprese realizzate ... continua

Friends of the Earth - W.S.F. Nairobi 2007

Intervista a Hanna Jangepies, Olanda dell'organizzazione Friends of the Earth - W.S.F. Nairobi 2007 Intervista realizzata presso il 7° Forum Sociale Mondiale svoltosia a Nairobi dal 20 al 25 gennaio 2007 a Nairobi (Kenya). Visita il sito: wsf2007.org

Fright to the finish

Popeye the Sailor is a cartoon fictional character created by Elzie Crisler Segar. The character first appeared in the daily King Features comic strip Thimble Theatre on January 17, 1929, and Popeye became the strip's title in later years. Popeye has also appeared in theatrical and television animated cartoons

Fritjof Capra: Una nueva forma de pensar la vida - Ciencia, redes y sistemas vivos

Fritjof Capra: Director fundador del Center for Ecoliteray de Berkeley (California), que promueve la reflexión sobre la ecología y los sistemas en la enseñanza primaria y secundaria. Junto a otros científicos, como Stanislav Grof y David Bohm, entre otros, conforman el denominado Nuevo Paradigma, en que científicos con una afinidad común han profundizado en el estudio de las posibles interrelaciones de la Ciencia con ciertas corrientes de misticismo oriental. Autor del best-seller El Tao de la física (1975). Es coautor, junto con Pier Luigi Luisi, del libro The ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Frolics on Ice

Everything's on Ice is a 1939 American film directed by Erle C. Kenton. The film is also known as Frolics on Ice (American video title).

From Christ to Constantine: The Origins of Christian Art, by Jeffrey Spier

Curso de Verano 2019 Conferencia "De Cristo a Constantino: el origen del arte cristiano", impartida por Jeffrey Spier (Senior Curator, Antiquities Department, J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Ángeles), el 28 de enero de 2020. Forma parte del ciclo de conferencias Francisco Calvo Serraller "Porque me has visto, has creído. El Nuevo Testamento en el arte", organizado por la Fundación de Amigos del Museo del Prado.

Visita: www.museodelprado.es

From Farm to Fork - Safe Food for European Consumers

Europe is the world's biggest importer and one of the top exporters. To maintain control over the diversity and quality of products within the member states, the european commission has developed laws, regulations and structures. Protecting the health of consumersis a priority in Europe.
The Food and Veterinary Office is located in grange, in Ireland. It is one of the branches of the European Comission charged with supervising the application of food safety laws in Europe. More than a hundred veterinary inspectors are based there.
Interviews:Graham Wood: Inspector, ... continua

From Isabella of Bourbon to Maria Anna of Neuburg: Art, Politics, and Devotion

Round table: "From Isabella of Bourbon to Maria Anna of Neuburg: Art, Politics, and Devotion at the Service of the House of Habsburg". Composed of Ezequiel Borgognoni (Universidad de Buenos Aires and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos), Gloria Martínez Leiva (independent investigator), Cecilia Paolini (Università degli Studi di Teramo), Álvaro Pascual Chenel (Universidad de Valladolid) and moderated by Mía Rodríguez Salgado (The London School of Economics and Political Science y Oxford University).
This round table took place in the symposium "Key Women in the Creation ... continua

Visita: www.museodelprado.es