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Josef Aschbacher - L'Osservazione della Terra dallo spazio. Sentire il battito del nostro pianeta da

Josef Aschbacher: Direttore dei Programmi di Osservazione della Terra ESA L'osservazione della Terra sta attraversando una grande trasformazione dovuta a elementi come l'analisi dei dati, l'Intelligenza Artificiale e l'apprendimento automatico (noto anche come Machine Learning), i Big Data. La presentazione fornirà una panoramica del programma di osservazione della Terra dell'ESA illustrando i suoi principali pilastri, la sua evoluzione rispetto alle tendenze appena citate e la sua rilevanza per la Scienza e la nuova conoscenza del nostro pianeta.

Visita: www.festascienzafilosofia.it

Joseph Stiglitz: Charla magistral

• Grado académico – Profesión: Licenciado en Economía de Amherst College y Doctor en Economía del Instituto Tecnológico de Massachusetts.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Joyless street

Vienna in the biggest depression, directly after WW1. In a slum, Lila Leid (Tamara Geva), the wife of lawyer Leid (Alexander Murski) is murdered, Egon, secretary of one of Leid's clients is arrested. He was with her, and had her necklace, because he needed some money for his own stock exchange deals. The same deal brings poverty to ex-government official Rumfort (Jaro Fürth), his daughter Greta (Greta Garbo), who also has lost her job, tries to prostituting herself to get some money and food.
Joyless Street (, 1925, exhibited in the U.S. as The Street of Sorrow, in ... continua

Juan Enriquez: Come saranno gli esseri umani tra 100 anni?

Possiamo far evolvere batteri, piante e animali - il futurista Juan Enriquez chiede: è etico far evolvere il corpo umano? In un discorso visionario che spazia dalle protesi medievali alla neuroingegneria e alla genetica dei giorni nostri, Enriquez seleziona l'etica associata all'evoluzione degli esseri umani e immagina i modi in cui dovremo trasformare i nostri corpi se speriamo di esplorare e vivere in luoghi diversi dalla Terra.

Juan Somavia (ILO) - Social movements, the future of labour and our society

We are living in an era of great disquiet - protests emerge and need to become movements in order to create global consciousness, which then change policies and social models. In the last decades the womens' movement has had extraordinary influence; but in the world of work wages are still lower, participation in management and even in union leadership is very low. We need an accelerator here, with more participation and presence of women: the collective capacity of women to contribute to society is essential. Other movements have been around, from the human rights ... continua

Visita: www.terrafutura.it

Juan Somavia (ILO) on Trade Unions

Interview with the Director-General of the ILO (International Labour Organisation - UN) for Terra Futura (Firenze 25-27 May, 2012)The roots of the trade union movement need to be re-discovered and integrated with the demands emerging from society. Where are the jobs going to come from in the world of today? Mainly from small enterprises, who create real jobs and economy. There is a space for an important renewed role of trade-unionism, listening to what social movements and workers have to say.

Visita: www.terrafutura.it

Judge for a day

Betty Boop is an animated cartoon character created by Max Fleischer, with help from animators including Grim Natwick. She originally appeared in the Talkartoon and Betty Boop film series, which were produced by Fleischer Studios and released by Paramount Pictures. She has also been featured in comic strips and mass merchandising.
A caricature of a Jazz Age flapper, Betty Boop was described in a 1934 court case as: "combin[ing] in appearance the childish with the sophisticated--a large round baby face with big eyes and a nose like a button, framed in a somewhat ... continua

Judge Priest

Judge Priest depicting life in Kentucky after the Civil War and Reconstruction Period. It still shows the stereotypes and prejudices which existed at that time in a somewhat humorous manner. Based on a story by the noted Kentucky humorist, Irvin S. Cobb, it presents life as one would have imagined it at that time period

Judge Priest

1934 - Comedy
Will Rogers plays the lead roll, that of Judge William -Billy- Priest in a very patriotic (Confederate) southern town. Priest plays a laid-back, widowed judge who helps uphold the law in his toughest court case yet. In the meantime, he plays matchmaker for his young nephew.
Directed by: John Ford
Writing credits:Irvin S. Cobb, Dudley Nichols
Complete credited cast:
Will Rogers Tom BrownAnita LouiseHenry B. WalthallDavid LandauRochelle HudsonRoger ImhofFrank MeltonCharley GrapewinBerton ChurchillBrenda FowlerFrancis FordHattie ... continua

Judith Heumann: La nostra lotta per i diritti dei disabili e perché non abbiamo ancora finito

Quattro decenni fa, Judith Heumann ha contribuito a guidare una protesta rivoluzionaria chiamata sit-in Sezione 504, in cui attivisti per i diritti dei disabili hanno occupato un edificio federale per quasi un mese, chiedendo una maggiore accessibilità per tutti. In questo discorso personale e stimolante, Heumann racconta le storie dietro la protesta e ci ricorda che, a 40 anni di distanza, c'è ancora del lavoro da fare.