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Michael Sandel: Lo que el dinero no puede comprar: los límites morales del mercado

Michael Sandel: Doctor en Filosofía Política. Es uno de los pensadores más populares, además de uno de los pioneros en la educación abierta. El periódico The Guardian lo ha descrito como el maestro de las grandes preguntas de la vida.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Michaelina Wautier, a forgotten genius of the 17th century, by Katlijne Van der Stighelen (V.O.)

TÍTCurso de verano "Creadoras, musas y mecenas. El papel de la mujer en el arte" 2021 Conferencia "Michaelina Wautier. El descubrimiento de un genio olvidado del siglo XVII", impartida por Katlijne Van der Stighelen (profesora de Historia del Arte, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Lovaina), el 7 de julio 2021. Forma parte del curso de verano "Creadoras, musas y mecenas. El papel de la mujer en el arte", organizado por la Fundación de Amigos del Museo del Prado.

Visita: www.museodelprado.es

Mickey mouse goes to haiti

Walt Disney and the Science of Exploitation..
What is it like to work in haitian factory sewing Disney children's clothing for export and sale in the U.S.?
Your pay is 28 cents an hour... a starvation wage, which forces you and your family to survive on credit, like indentured servants.You cannot afford to purchase milk or medicine for your children. At work you are screamed at to sew faster, you are humiliated and treated like dirt. At night you go home to a crowded one-room shack without running water or a toilet. You and your family go to bed hungry.
If ... continua
  • Visualizzazioni: 5167
  • Lingua: INGLESE
  • Fonte: Crowing Roosters Arts | Durata: 19,34 min | Pubblicato il: 1996
  • Totale: 1021 filmati
  • Categoria: Documentari
  • Scarica: MP3 | MP4 |
  • 2.2/5 (26 voti)
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Micro and Nanotechnologies Are Revolutionizing Medicine

Micro and Nanotechnologies promise to be key applications in medicine and the environment in the future, but their development is still only at the beginning. Treatingdiseases at molecular level is still some way down the road, but researchers in Europe are developing the tools to make it possible one day, while also assessing the possiblerisks of these promising new technologies.
Guillermo Villanueva,IMB-CSIC Bellaterra, SpainJoan Bausells, IMB-CSIC Bellaterra, Spain Robert Lemor, IBMT St. Ingbert Thomas Velten, IMBT St. Ingbert
Visit the ... continua

Midnight manhunt

Stolen diamonds are at the heart of a game of body, body, who's got the body played by two reporters, a crook, two employees of a wax museum, and the police. Stars: William Gargan, Ann Savage, Leo Gorcey, George Zucco, Paul Hurst, Don Beddoe, Charles Halton, and George E. Stone

Midnight Manhunt

1945 - Comedy / Crime / Mystery
A gangster is shot in his hotel room and manages to make his way to a nearby wax museum, where he dies. A female reporter discovers the body and determines to break the case, but she must maneuver around a rival reporter--who happens to be her boyfriend--who also wants to break the case and the killer himself, who wants to find out where the body is.
Directed by:William C. Thomas
Writing credits:David Lang
Complete credited cast:
William GarganAnn SavageLeo GorceyGeorge ZuccoPaul HurstDon BeddoeCharles HaltonGeorge ... continua

Midnight Phantom

A newly hired police chief vows to clean up a notoriously corrupt police department. When he is murdered, investigators find that there is no shortage of suspects, most of them being fellow cops.
This film is one of over 200 titles in the list of independent feature films made available for television presentation by Advance Television Pictures announced in Motion Picture Herald 4 April 1942. At this time, television broadcasting was in its infancy, almost totally curtailed by the advent of World War II, and would not continue to develop until 1945-1946. Because of ... continua

Migración México, Sueños en tránsito. El Desierto.

Director: Alejandro Strauss Fotografía: Jerónimo Rodríguez Productor: Carlos Corigliano

Mihail Roco: Nanotecnología y computación cerebral

Mihail Roco: Doctor en Ingeniería del Instituto Politécnico de Bucarest. Presidente fundador del subcomité de Ciencia, Ingeniería y Tecnología a Nanoescala (NSET) del Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología de los EU, y asesor de Ciencia e Ingeniería de la Fundación Nacional para la Ciencia (NSF). Autor de múltiples invenciones, libros y artículos sobre sistemas multifase, simulaciones computacionales, mediciones láser, nanopartículas y nanosistemas, y tendencias en tecnologías emergentes.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Million Dollar Kid

1944 - Comedy
The gang is befriended by a millionaire whom they save from a mugging. However, they begin to suspect that the man's son was actually one of the muggers. Knowing that the boy's father is still grieving for an older son he lost during the war, and would be devastated if he learned his only remaining son was a criminal, the gang sets out to reform the boy.
Directed by:Wallace Fox
Writing credits:Frank H. Young
Complete credited cast:
Leo Gorcey Huntz HallGabriel Dell William 'Billy' BenedictLouise CurrieNoah BeeryIris AdrianHerbert ... continua