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Once Upon a Time

Animation An expedition searching for treasure supposedly buried by the German army in the African desert during WW II comes up against an army of Nazi zombies guarding the fortune. Visit the site: www.publicdomaintorrents.com

One A.M.

One A.M. was a unique Charlie Chaplin silent film created for Mutual Films in 1916. It was the first film he starred in alone, except for a brief scene of Albert Austin playing a cab driver. Chaplin plays the role of a wealthman coming home late, after too much to drink. He only wants to go to bed, but 'everything' around him prevents him

One Body Too Many

Insurance salesman Albert Tuttle arrives at the Cyrus J. Rutherford estate to sell the millionaire some life insurance. Rutherford is already dead and his heirs have gathered at the mansion to hear the reading of the will. Rutherford's will won't be read until he is properly entombed and the heirs are forced to stay on the premises or be denied their inheritance. Tuttle soon finds himself mixed up in shenanigans involving Rutherford's niece, secret passages, a missing body and murder.

One direction: Reaching for the Stars Part 2

One direction: Reaching for the stars Part 1

One week

Buster and Sybil exit a chapel as newlyweds. Among the gifts is a portable house you easily put together in one week
One week is a 1920 in film American short comedy film starring comedian Buster Keaton, the first film to be released made by Keaton on his own; Keaton had worked with Fatty Arbuckle for a number of years. The film was written and directed by Keaton and Edward F. Cline, and runs for 19 minutes. Sybil Seely co-stars. The High Sign had been filmed prior to One Week, but Keaton considered it an inferior effort to debut with, and released it the following ... continua

Open Heart

Otto bambini ruandesi, le cui valvole cardiache sono state seriamente compromesse da una malattia reumatica, hanno lasciato le loro famiglie per andare in Sudan e sottoporsi a un delicato intervento al cuore presso il Centro Salam di cardiochirurgia di Emergency a Khartoum. Il documentario mostra gli sforzi messi in atto da Emmanuel Rusingiza, un cardiologo impegnato nella lotta per la vita dei suoi giovani pazienti, e da Gino Strada, fondatore di Emergency e chirurgo del Centro Salam, che sta combattendo per salvare questa struttura, unica ad offrire cure ... continua

Visita: www.emergency.it

Opening session of the sixth Assembly of the People?s UNO

Opening session of the sixth Assembly of the People's UNO
3:30 pm to 7 pm in the Sala dei Notari, Palazzo dei Priori, Perugia

Welcome addresses from:
Renato Locchi, mayor of Perugia
Giulio Cozzari, chairman of the National Coordination Committee of Local Authorities for Peace and Human Rights
Rita Lorenzetti, chairman of the Umbria Region
In memory of absent friends
Introduction to and presentation of the assembly's objectives
Flavio Lotti, national coordinator of the Round Table for Peace
Aminata Traorè ... continua

Operation carpetbagger: The secret mission to end world war II

This is the story of one of the most Top Secret Missions of world war II, called Operation Carpetbagger, and features some of the key players who flew and crewed the Heavy B-24D Liberators that trained and participated in the missions. Including, Waist Gunner and Engineer, Henry D. MacMillan Jr. and the William's Crew. Also featuring commentary from some of the war hero's friends and family members.

Orchidea bianca

1954Un archeologo si accinge ad esplorare gli altipiani del Messico con il fine di ritrovare e documentare le tracce della civiltà perduta dei Toltechi. Una bella fotografa si unisce alla spedizione e si invaghisce dell'attraente proprietario di piantagioni alla guida del gruppo, nonostante l'archeologo sia attratto da lei. Dopo avere scoperto un gruppo di ancestri dei Toltechi che vivono in una città nascosta, la spedizione inizia a documentare la loro presenza finché una morte accidentale pone tutti in grave pericolo...Visita il sito: ... continua