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Sonam Wangchuk: Operación nueva esperanza por la educación, colaboración es la esencia

Sonam Wangchuk: Ingeniero indio formado en el Instituto Nacional de Tecnología, Srinagar, y se destaca como innovador y reformista de la educación. Fundó y dirige el Movimiento Educativo y Cultural de Estudiantes de Ladakh (SECMOL). cuyo campus fue diseñado y construido junto a los estudiantes con edificios calentados con energía solar de bajo costo, hechos de tierra / barro, pero que mantienen +15 C incluso cuando la temperatura exterior es -15 C y no usa combustibles fósiles para cocinar, encender ni calentar. Para resolver la crisis hídrica que enfrentan las ... continua

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Song at midnight

The first Chinese horror film, directed by Ma-Xu Weibang in 1937

Sotto i ponti di New York

1936 Un orfano il cui padre è stato giustiziato ingiustamente, decide di riabilitarne la memoria scovandone il colpevole. E si mette in grave pericolo.

Sotto le Stelle della California

Dopo avere ultimato le riprese del suo ultimo film, Roy parte per il suo ranch, da dove trasmetterà un programma per il suo decimo anniversario nel mondo cinematografico...

Sound of horror

This one's a story about cave explorers who release an invisible prehistoric monster


Dennis Stauffer - a photographer from Switzerland bring us a cinematic journey through Southeast Asia. Music composed by: Chris Cutting. Shot on a Canon 5D Mark II

Visita: www.zoomion.ch

Visita: www.chriscutting.com

Speak Easily

1932 - Comedy
Naive, bookish Professor Post (of Potts College) inherits a huge amount of money and decides that now he can afford to go out and enjoy life. He falls for a dancer in a bad stage show, and with his new money decides to buy the show and take it to Broadway. Will the Professor prove too nice to succeed in show business? Or will he triumph over bill-collectors, critics, and sexy vamp Eleanor Espere?
Directed by: Edward Sedgwick
Writing credits: Laurence E. Johnson, Clarence Budington Kelland
Complete credited cast:
Buster ... continua

Speech Hugo Chávez talks to the United Nations General Assembly

Hugo Chávez, President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, talks to the United Nations General Assembly Download subtitles:

Spider baby

A caretaker devotes himself to three children after the death of their father. Relatives arrive to lay claim to the estate but the caretaker suspects that they will put the children in an asylum. To prevent this, he destroys the estate, himself, and the children

Spirits of Bruce Lee

1979 - Martial ArtsA martial arts expert named Chang Chen-Wai(-Michael-Chan Wai-Man) runs a jade-importing business with his brother Chang Fan. When Chang Fan suddenly disappears on a buying trip in Thailand, Chang Chen-Wai gets a little worried and decides to travel down there to find him. When he arrives there, he meets another kung fu expert named Li Pai-Yu after helping him fight off local thugs in a village. They become friends and Li decides to help Chang Chen-Wai find his missing brother. When they both learn that Chang Fan was murdered by henchmen of a ... continua