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Daily show for november 02 2023 Democracy Now!

Daily show for november 01 2023 Democracy Now!

Exposición Bianca Bondi. Haciendo vaticinios en estanques astrales

La serie Reivindicar la resiliencia / Reclaiming the Resilience comisariada por el colectivo Pakui Hardware se cierra a un nivel molecular. Con la instalación Scrying in Astral Ponds [Haciendo vaticinios en estanques astrales], Bianca Bondi invita al espectador a serenar el ritmo, especulando sobre el futuro mientras contempla las microtransformaciones graduales de los objetos de origen tanto natural como humano expuestos en la sala.
Utilizando agua salada -el material emblemático de Bondi-, la artista cristaliza una serie de estanques con monedas de cobre, flores ... continua

Visita: www.lacasaencendida.es

Daily show for october 31 2023 Democracy Now!

Daily show for october 30 2023 Democracy Now!

Daily show for october 27 2023 Democracy Now!

Daily show for october 26 2023 Democracy Now!

The science of light, from Galileo to quantum physics

Light has fascinated humanity since the dawn of time. Research into its properties contributed to the birth of modern science and led to the theories of relativity and quantum physics, which have profoundly changed our view of the world on a microscopic and cosmic scale. Nobel Prize winner Serge Haroche talks about what we know today about light and the ways in which research into this phenomenon has led to unexpected discoveries and applications.
Speaker: Serge Haroche, Nobel Prize for Physics 2012
Introduced by: Dario Menasce, INFN National Institute of Nuclear ... continua

Visita: www.bergamoscienza.it

Daily Show for october 25 2023 Democracy Now!

Know Thyself: The science of self-awareness

Metacognition is the ability to think about what we and others think and know: it is an ability that distinguishes us from other animals and AI. With insights from the worlds of computer science, psychology, and evolutionary biology, you'll discover why we often think we're extraordinary at tasks we're terrible at, but also that the science of metacognition helps us think more clearly, make better decisions, and learn better.
Speaker: Steve Fleming, University College London
Moderator: Nicola Quadri, BergamoScienza Association
In collaboration with: Festival di ... continua

Visita: www.bergamoscienza.it