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Mangiare carne fa male! - Documentario

Recenti ricerche confermano: Mangiare Carne fa male!
Mentre ancora pochi anni fa si credeva che la carne fosse un elemento basilare dell'alimentazione,oggi si pensa il contrario.
Sulla base di ricerche recenti effettuate da vari istituti in diversi paesi,un team di medici afferma che il piacere del palato - il consumo di carne - è anche corresponsabile di gran parte delle cosiddette "malattie della civilizzazione", come ad esempio cancro,gotta,osteoporosi,malattie del cuore e del sistema circolatorio,diabete e altro ancora...
Visita il sito: ... continua

Baghdad Hunt

Today's prize will be given to the team managing to hit the most targets during a complete circuit of the ring road around Baghdad. The points system: 10 for jeeps, lorries and oversize vehicles, 20 for normal cars, and 50 for small cars under 3 metres in length.
Only a cynical exercise in very bad taste, it would seem. However, it could well be also the very rule followed by the people that you will see - or rather not see - in this film clip. Not only will you not see the assassins, you will not even see the fatalities, who unfortunately seem to be many more in ... continua

Visita: contro.tv

34)- Il gemito dei poveri e degli oppressi

Intervento di Zahira Khamal Gemito dei viventi silenzio di Dio? 49° Corso di studi cristiani in dialogo con altre religioni - 23 - 28 Agosto 1991 Cortesia: La Cittadella di Assisi Visita il sito: ospitassisi.cittadella.org

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Reopening the inquest on September 11

A special inquest has been proposed and financed by Jimmy Walter, an extraordinary individual who has given of his time, findings and HIS MONEY to work for a positive and important cause: to reopen the whole question of what is known, or believed to be known, about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This bold document, finally subtitled in Italian, throws new light on the dramatic events that followed that drama-laden day and asks new (but obvious) questions to which official sources and the media have never given too much attention.
Studio guests, ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Reopening the inquest on September 11

A special inquest has been proposed and financed by Jimmy Walter, an extraordinary individual who has given of his time, findings and HIS MONEY to work for a positive and important cause: to reopen the whole question of what is known, or believed to be known, about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This bold document, finally subtitled in Italian, throws new light on the dramatic events that followed that drama-laden day and asks new (but obvious) questions to which official sources and the media have never given too much attention.
Studio guests, ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Reopening the inquest on September 11

A special inquest has been proposed and financed by Jimmy Walter, an extraordinary individual who has given of his time, findings and HIS MONEY to work for a positive and important cause: to reopen the whole question of what is known, or believed to be known, about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This bold document, finally subtitled in Italian, throws new light on the dramatic events that followed that drama-laden day and asks new (but obvious) questions to which official sources and the media have never given too much attention.
Studio guests, ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Reopening the inquest on September 11

A special inquest has been proposed and financed by Jimmy Walter, an extraordinary individual who has given of his time, findings and HIS MONEY to work for a positive and important cause: to reopen the whole question of what is known, or believed to be known, about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This bold document, finally subtitled in Italian, throws new light on the dramatic events that followed that drama-laden day and asks new (but obvious) questions to which official sources and the media have never given too much attention.
Studio guests, ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Riaprire le indagini sull'11 settembre.

Un'eccezionale inchiesta proposta e finanziata da Jimmy Walter, uno straorninario individuo che ha dato il suo tempo, le sue ricerche e i SUOI SOLDI per lavorare in una positiva e significativa causa: rimettere in discussione tutto quello che si sapeva, o si pensava di sapere, sui tragici eventi dell'11 settembre 2001. Questo coraggioso documentario, finalmente sottotitolato in italiano, getta una nuova luce sui drammatici eventi che sono seguiti a quel drammatico giorno e pone nuove ma evidenti domande a cui le fonti ufficiali e i media non hanno mai prestato ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Reapertura de las investigaciones sobre el 11 de septiembre.

Una investigación fuera de lo común propuesta y financiada por Jimmy Walter, un extraordinario individuo que ha invertido su tiempo, sus estudios y SU DINERO en una positiva y significativa causa: poner en discusión todo lo que se sabía o se pensaba saber sobre los trágicos sucesos del 11 de septiembre de 2001. Este atrevido documental, finalmente subtitulado en italiano, arroja nueva luz a los dramáticos sucesos de aquel trágico día y lanza nuevas, pero evidentes, preguntas a las que las fuentes oficiales y los medios de comunicación jamás prestaron ... continua

CONFRONTING THE EVIDENCE - Reopening the inquest on September 11

A special inquest has been proposed and financed by Jimmy Walter, an extraordinary individual who has given of his time, findings and HIS MONEY to work for a positive and important cause: to reopen the whole question of what is known, or believed to be known, about the tragic events of September 11, 2001. This bold document, finally subtitled in Italian, throws new light on the dramatic events that followed that drama-laden day and asks new (but obvious) questions to which official sources and the media have never given too much attention.
Studio guests, ... continua