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09)- Dooms Brink

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

08)- Angry Gods

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

07)- Flaming Waters

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

06)- Fatal Fangs

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

05)- Unseen Hands

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

04)- River Perils

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

03)- Devils Posse

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ErnestDale ... continua

02)-Crossed Trails

1935 - Action / Adventure
This is the serial from which Tarzan and the Green Goddess is an edited compilation of sorts. The Green Goddess is a totem worshiped by the primitive natives of a lost city deep in the jungles of Guatemala. It contains both a fortune in jewels and an ancient formula for a super-explosive which could threaten world safety in the wrong hands....
Directed by:Edward A. Kull
Writing credits:Edwin Blum, Edgar Rice Burroughs
Complete credited cast:
Bruce Bennett Tarzan Ula HoltAshton DearholtFrank BakerLewis SargentHarry ... continua


De 1932. Dirigida por Tod Browning, en inglés, con subtítulos en castellano, en blanco y negro con Ford Vallace, Leila Hyams y Roscoe Ates. Un film de terror, donde un grupo de seres deformes que trabajan en un circo se unen contra una mujer que pretende burlarse de uno de ellos Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com

Asesinato en el zoológico

De 1933. Didigida por Edward Sutherrland. Largometraje en blanco y negro, en inglés con subtítulos en castellano. Con Charlie Ruggies, Lionel Atwial y Kathleen Burke. Un millonario deportista y celoso hasta la locura, utiliza a los animales del zoo para eliminar a los pretendientes que cortejan a su esposa Cortesía de Roberto Di Chiara Visita el sitio: www.robertodichiara.com