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The boat

Buster's handmade boat, The Damfino, is finished and is, of course, too large to get through the basement door. When he drives off with it in tow, the side of his house, then the whole thing, collapses. At the harbor he rides the boat out only to have it sink beneath him. The rest is a series of adventures he and his family have with the restored boat. This funny short has some good subtile gags plus the usual slapstick and gadgets

Woody Woodpecker Season07 Episode07 - Get Lost

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Daily Show for January 23 2023 Democracy Now

J'etais une esclave Yézidie - Pourquoi l'esclavage? - Documentaire

Peut-il y avoir une justice après un génocide, des violences sexuelles et de l'esclavage ?
En août 2014, un massacre d'État islamique aux proportions inimaginables a lieu lorsque le peuple yézidi à Sinjar est envahi, dans le nord de l'Irak. Les jeunes femmes yézidies sont séparées des anciennes et emmenées au cinéma Galaxy à Mossoul. Là, elles sont défilées, sélectionnées, réduites en esclavage, torturées et systématiquement violées. Certaines n'avaient que 11 ans.
Ce film raconte l'histoire de Shirin et Lewiza, deux femmes yézidies capturées ... continua

Visita: www.thewhy.dk

The Balloonatic

The Balloonatic with Buster Keaton. 1923. This Keaton filkm is already in the Archive but this is a better print and I have added a music track.

The She Beast

A young woman is driving alongside a lake. She has an accident and the car plunges into the water. Her body is then possessed by the spirit of an 18th-century witch who was killed by local villagers, and is bent on avenging herself on them

Woody Woodpecker Season04 Episode02 - Pixie Panic

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Intervista con Ashley Taplin - Consigli pratici e applicazione del metodo

La seconda parte della nostra intervista con Ashley Taplin, esperta di didattica della matematica; Ashley ci da dei consigli pratici e ci parla del metodo "Try it, talk it, color it, check it" (provalo, parlane, coloralo, controllalo).

Visita: www.direfareinsegnare.education

Daily Show for April 13 2023 Democracy Now

The crazy ray

The crazy ray (Paris qui dort) a 1927 silent comedy by Rene Clair is the story of a mad scientist who devises a ray which puts all people to sleep. It has a few humorous moments but is if interest mainly to film historians and students