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The three musketeers

The three musketeers is a 1921 American silent film based on the novel The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, père. It was directed by Fred Niblo and starred Douglas Fairbanks as d'Artagnan. The film originally had scenes filmed in the Handschiegl Color Process (billed as the "Wyckoff-DeMille Process"). The film had a sequel, The Iron Mask (1929), also starring Fairbanks as d'Artagnan and DeBrulier as Cardinal Richelieu.
The athletic Douglas Fairbanks's one-handed handspring to grab a sword during a fight scene in this film is considered as one of the great stunts ... continua

Son of Ingagi

This is an unusual film about a mad doctor who keeps a monster in the basement. It's unusual for two reasons, one being the mad doctor is a woman, which was strange for the time, and the other was the fact that the film had an all-black cast, which was also unusual, especially for this kind of movie

Neath The Arizona skies

Neath The Arizona skies finds John Wayne as the guardian of little Shirley Jean Rickert who is a half Indian little tyke who stands to inherit some really big bucks because property her Mother left before she died has oil on it. Dad's been out of the picture for some time and most believe he's dead. The Duke thinks otherwise and sets off to find him.

Manhattan love song

A couple rich sisters Geraldine and Carol Stewart (Dixie Lee and Helen Flint) have just found out that their financial planner has stolen all their money. Unable to pay a couple (Nydia Westman and Robert Armstrong) of their servants their back wages, they agree to let the pair stay in their home rent-free to make up for this pay. But, it is a bit rough at first, as these two society swells expect their old servants to behave like servants--but considering they're no longer paying them, this doesn't last.

Mr. Reckless

Mr. Reckless is a 1948 American film directed by Frank McDonald

Three ages

The misadventures of Buster in three separate historical periods

It's A Joke, Son

The first Eagle-Lion film stars Kenny Delmar as Senator Beauregard Claghorn, his "Allen's Alley" resident-character heard on Fred Allen's radio program. Claghorn was a blustery, one-man-Chamber-of-Commerce for all things Southern, who had no tolerence for anything north of the Mason-Dixon line, although he made allowances for South Philly. The character inspired the creation of one of the most popular of the Warners' cartoon characters, Foghorn Leghorn, who re-worked most of the originals material and style. The title of this movie is a stock line- "it's a joke, ... continua

Woody Woodpecker Season05 Episode02 - The Adventures of Tom Thumb Jr

Woody Woodpecker is a fictional animated character anthropomorphic woodpecker who appeared in theatrical short films produced by the Walter Lantz Studio and distributed by Universal Pictures during the golden age of American animation

Encuentros del Futuro - Migración: desafiando las fronteras

Aprende con los mejores exponentes que han participado en uno de los Congresos más importantes del mundo.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl

Bjorn Lomborg: ¿Cómo pensamos sobre el cambio climático?

Bjorn Lomborg: Doctor en Ciencias Políticas. Es el director del Centro de Consenso de Copenhague y autor de los best sellers “The Skeptical Environmentalist” y “Cool It”. Es uno de los voceros mundiales respecto al cambio climático.

Visita: congresofuturo.cl