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Pasado y futuro de William Shakespeare: Gordon McMullan y Jorge Edwards

Sumándose a las conmemoraciones por los 400 años de la muerte de William Shakespeare, dos expertos en su obra abordaron su influencia en la literatura, el teatro y el cine. ¿Qué nos dice la figura del rey en las obras del autor inglés? ¿Cómo se configuran las relaciones alrededor suyo? ¿Qué nos revelan acerca del poder? ¿Cómo serían Hamlet o el rey Lear del siglo XXI? Shakespeare está entre nosotros y su legado está hoy más vivo que nunca. Esta conversación es una invitación a reflexionar, desde el pasado clásico y en su proyección al futuro, acerca ... continua

Visita: puertodeideas.cl

Flirting with danger

Flirting with danger is a 1934 American comedy adventure film directed by Vin Moore and starring Robert Armstrong, Edgar Kennedy and William Cagney (James Cagney's lookalike brother). The picture was released by Monogram Pictures and has a running time of 62 minutes.

The admiral was a lady

Ex-WAVE encounters four fun-loving, work-hating men, all of whom want to marry her

Sir Partha Dasgupta - Frenar la pérdida - Congreso Futuro 2023

Economista indio nacionalizado británico. Miembro de la Academia Americana de las Artes y las Ciencias (1991); la Academia Nacional de Ciencias (2001); la Real Sociedad Económica (presidente, 1998-2001); la Royal Society (2004). El doctor Dasgupta también ha sido galardonado con el Premio Volvo de Medio Ambiente (2002) y Premio Kenneth Boulding de la Asociación de Economía Ecológica (2004). Es autor de obras como The Control of Resources (1982), An Inquiry into Well-Being and Destitution (1993) o Human Well-Being and the Natural Environment (2001), entre otras.

Visita: www.congresofuturo.cl

Diamond trail

Reporter Speed Morgan (Rex Bell) helps Flash Barrett (Lloyd Whitlock) escape from the police and this gets him into Flash's gang where he poses as a gangster. Flash and his gang head west guning for Bill Miller (Bud Osborne) who failed to send some diamonds on to Flash. Speed hopes to bring Flash to justice but is in trouble when his true identity is revealed.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde

William King Baggot stars in this early dramatization of Robert Louis Stephensonâs classic horror story. Although the script maintains the essence of the original story there are a quite a few differences. In this version, for instance, Jekyll is romantically involved with a woman named Alice. Please note that this is a silent movie and no soundtrack has been added

Between Showers

Between Showers was a short film made by Keystone Studios and directed by Henry Lehrman. It starred Charlie Chaplin, Ford Sterling, Emma Bell Clifton, and Chester Conklin.

Daily Show for December 15 2022 Democracy Now

Daily Show for October 05 2023 Democracy Now

The live wire

A sailor finds an ancient vase on an uncharted island. He is later hired by archaeologists to lead them back to the island. They discover the temples of a lost civilization